All posts by Kerri Carpenter

Isn’t It Romantic

(Sparkle Plan Update: Yes, I am still on my Sparkle Plan. But I thought I would take a month off from talking about it. All is still well – I’m starting to do run/walk intervals and getting back into lifting weights. Stay tuned for a bigger update in September.)

Spoilers ahead – you’ve been warned.

I consider myself a romantic.

I write romance novels. I love happy endings and riding off into the sunset and candlelit dinners and long walks on the beach, and flowers, and getting dressed up to go out on a date. Which reminds me, I have these new, totally cute pants that would be great for a date. But I digress.

You know what else I like? Movies.

But recently, I realized that none of my favorite movies are romantic movies. My two favorite movies oscillate between The Empire Strikes Back and Office Space. Both have some hints of romance, but neither can be considered A romance. Furthermore, the usual “romcom” staples don’t tend to make my heart go flutter-flutter.

Pretty Woman

Laughing like a loon….

For example, I would never consider Pretty Woman a romance because I’ve never been able to get over the fact that, oh, I don’t know, she’s a HOOKER! Sure, it’s all romantic and swell when a super-rich guy can whisk you off on a private plane to see an opera after he put a glamorous and expensive necklace around your neck and you laughed like a loon. But you’re still a hooker.

Are my standards too high?

Then there’s Legally Blonde. One of those movies I’ll always watch when it comes on TV. Is it a romance though? There IS a romance but besides knowing Elle and Emmett get together in the end, they never kiss or go on a date. Besides, the scene that really gets me going is when Elle totally wins the argument over former-love Warner in class. Then Professor Callahan says, “I believe you’ve just won your case.” Yes! #winning

You bet I won my case! Plus, my resume is pink and scented!

You bet I won my case! Plus, my resume is pink and scented!

Frustrated, I Googled “romantic” movies. Here’s my thoughts on some of the Internet’s choices for most romantic film (in no particular order). Mind you, I’m not saying these aren’t good movies, just that they aren’t romantic in my eyes.

Titanic – everyone dies and really cold water.

The Notebook – old people, death and Alzheimer’s.

Ghost – he’s, um, A GHOST! Can never have a happy ending unless she also dies.

Romeo & Juliet – are you freaking kidding me? Double death!

West Side Story – see above, same movie as R&J but with singing and dancing.

Dirty Dancing – we don’t know what happens *after*the summer and abortion. And if Baby gives up her Peace Corps dreams that’s just lame.

Gone with the Wind – Dude, come on. Awesome flick, unhappy ending.

Casablanca – um, they don’t end up together! Also, Nazis scare me!

Grease – have to become a slut to find true love.

I will confess to enjoying and being quite smitten by a lot of scenes within the above movies. So really, maybe my problem is the endings? Because in romance writing, we have to conclude with a happily ever after or at least, happy for now. Kerri Carpenter

All of this pondering leads me to the real question. Am I *not* a romantic after all? You be the judge. In the meantime, PLEASE leave some romantic movie options for me in the comments below.


Mermaids & Friends: Larynn Ford

Can you believe it’s August already! We, Mermaids, are spending extra time splashing around the lagoon to cool off and enjoy this last month of summer. So we thought we would invite one of our friends to join us today. Let’s welcome, Larynn Ford!!!

Besides being one of my fellow Soul Mate authors, Larynn has a new release, Rescued, she’d like to talk about. Plus, she’s giving away one copy – details below. Take it away, Larynn….

**************************************************************************** Continue reading

Give Me a Break!

It’s Month 7 of The Sparkle Plan, my made-up diet and wellness plan. Can you believe it! Check out the inaugural post here to find out what it is.

Last month, I set a new mini-goal of getting more sleep. For the most part, I did it. The results? I felt amazing! Then came this past weekend…. (Insert ominous music)

This past Friday was July Fourth. Besides being my favorite holiday, it was also a long weekend, and an early birthday celebration for yours truly. Lots and lots of fun events occurred. There was pool time, fireworks, BBQs, happy hours, baseball games, and little time for sleep or exercise.  Kerri Carpenter

Even while I was having SO MUCH FUN, in the back of my mind, an annoying little voice was nagging me to death about exercise and sleep and the fact that I wasn’t doing enough of either. Plus, said obnoxious voice was reminding me that I was about to go on vacation for a week and then go to a big writer’s conference where I will surely also not get enough sleep or physical activity.


My BFF has told me for years that I’m too hard on myself. I never really paid much attention. But when a new friend also starting saying the same thing to me, I thought maybe they’re on to something.

This Sparkle Plan journey has been tough. I’m trying to do a lot – workout, eat right, get enough sleep, all while still enjoying everything else in life. But I’m constantly worrying about my circumference and fear that it’s growing. I’m worried about getting injured again. I’m worried about not achieving the goals I set back in January. Worry. Worry. Worry!!!!

So perhaps it’s time to admit that I am hard on myself. What’s the point of doing all this work if I’m not going to enjoy myself? And really, who wants to be hard on themselves on vacation? I can still enjoy the beach and my conference without eating like a piggy. Right?

Mini-Goal of the Month: Enjoy myself!

Let’s chat in the comment section. How do you find that balance between healthy living and having fun?


*I am not a doctor. We should all consider this a blessing since I really don’t care for sick people. Or whiny people. Or that hospital smell. Or science. Hence, always consult your own physician before embarking on any fitness or eating plan.

Mermaids & Friends: Samanthya Wyatt

Welcome to another edition of Mermaids & Friends. I’m so excited to have this author with us in the Mermaid Lagoon today because not only is her new book, SOMETHING MORE, amazing, but she is a fellow Soulie. That’s right, we’re both authors over at Soul Mate Publishing. Welcome, Samanthya Wyatt!

Hello Kerri. Thank you for inviting me to the lagoon. I’m so excited to be here on the very day my book, Something More, is to be released.

Tell us a little about your writing journey.

Ever since I can remember, I have loved curling up with a book. When I was young I wrote poems and short stories. I signed everything UNKNOWN AUTHOR. I guess even then I feared rejection. When I graduated, my life changed. I married a military man, traveled across the US and abroad, then settled in the Shenandoah Valley and had a family. My children were in high school before I started writing again.

About fifteen years ago, I wrote to Catherine Coulter and was amazed that she wrote back. I couldn’t believe it. She was very encouraging and told me to join RWA. She said to write everyday even if it was only one sentence. I am a RWA member, joined several chapters including Contemporary Romance Chapter, and I’m a member of Savvy Authors.

I started writing again. I entered a lot of contests, workshops, and made some good friends via e-mails. I finally finished my historical romance, the first of a trilogy, and I completed a contemporary romance “Something More”. I contacted more publishers, sent my MS to editors, and continued to hope. A pitch opportunity with Savvy Authors resulted in two books being published. An editor asked for my contemporary, and another asked for my historical. Both books will be released this month. I’m over the moon.

How exciting! Tell us a little about your current release: your inspiration, main characters, setting, etc.

Something More

Something More

On his way to an important meeting, a light flirtation turns into more than Matthew expects. The alluring beauty does not need his money, and makes it clear she does not need him.

Carrie trusts no man. Until a pair of mischievous eyes melts her defenses, and has her second guessing her convictions.

Infatuation and excitement spark a journey of passion and forbidden emotion where two people must overcome their earlier convictions to find an everlasting love.

Why did you choose to write in this genre? Have you ever written any other genre? Do you plan on doing so in the future?

Dashing Lords and pirates seemed so romantic, so my first book was written in the historical genre. One day I was playing around to get my mind off edits and I wrote a scene with two women bantering back and forth. I had so much fun and the words seemed to flow. So I ended up writing my first contemporary Something More. Modern day women have more freedom, and my wit seems to come out more with contemporary. I have started several stories including a hunky fireman series. Station Eight. Can’t wait to get those published.

Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
I love my hero, just because hunky men are sexy and dark hair has always been my favorite. However, I love a strong heroine and Carrie is strong. Her assistant may deserve a book of her own. And her friend is a no-nonsense, anything goes sort of girl. I guess I like all my characters. I’m so indecisive. About everything in my personal life, too. It takes me forever to pick out a pair of shoes.

What do you do in your spare time?

What spare time? LOL. I keep the road hot. I go to soccer ball games, baseball games, cheer competition, or just babysit the wee ones. Can’t wait till July when I retire.

Any final thoughts you’d like your readers to know about you or your books?

I enjoy penning a story with strong characters, a bit of humor, and active scenes.I invite you to lay the worries of the world off your shoulders and get lost in the pages of a romance, where you embark on a journey with the hero and heroine, become involved in a dream, plunge into a world of fantasy, live an adventure your heart can share.


Thank you so much for joining us today, Samanthya, and good luck with your book!

Bonus: The interview’s not over yet. If you would like to read more of Samanthya’s thoughts on the writing process and a special excerpt from Something More, hop on over to my website here.

If you would like to learn more about Samanthya or either of her new books, please visit her webpage. You can also find her on Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, and SMP Authors.

Being Tired & YouTube

Happy Month 6 of The Sparkle Plan, my made-up diet and wellness plan. Check out the inaugural post here to find out what it is.

Last month I was beyond happy to report that I lost 9 pounds! (Check out that post here.) So how many pounds did I lose this month? A big fat ZERO! While I didn’t gain any weight (hoorah!), I did gain some perspective on the importance of sleep. Kerri Carpenter

A bunch of doctors say a bunch of doctor-like stuff about the importance of sleep in regards to weight loss. I am not a doctor so I won’t bore you with all that hormone crap. Here’s the basic idea. You need to sleep. If you don’t, you will eat like a pig and gain weight. True story.

Why is sleep tied to losing weight? I don’t know. Again, not a doctor. But here’s what I do know. This past month I haven’t been getting enough sleep. I have, however, been running at least twice during the week and once during the weekend. I’ve been going to my Zumba class on Sundays. I’ve been doing at least two arm and ab workouts a week. I’ve mostly been eating healthy food. And yet… no weight came off.

So new mini-goal for this month. I am going to sleep. Even if this means I don’t get to watch whatever summer reality show I’m currently obsessing over. (I have a DVR.) I am going to sleep. Even if this means I have to put the book down. (This will be hard.) I am going to sleep. Even if this means I have to stop snuggling with Harry. (He will hate this.)

The second thing I want to talk about is this new little website – I don’t know if you’ve heard of it – that shows all kinds of different videos. You can watch them on your computer, on your phone, on your tablet, pretty much everywhere. They call it YouTube. I don’t know if it will last (yes, I’m being sarcastic) but in the meantime, I’ve discovered all kinds of great workout videos.

My favorite YouTube channel is currently Blogilates. She is GREAT! I actually found out about her through my bible – People magazine. There are super short videos that target every muscle imaginable. Plus, really fun music while you’re working out. Bonus – you can do these workouts anywhere as long as you have a phone, computer, tablet, etc. No more excuses! (A favorite Blogilates video is below.)

So while YouTube has been saving my workouts from getting boring, Mr. Sand Man has been a no-show. That’s why this month, I’m going to him. Ready for my beauty sleep….

Let’s chat in the comment section. Do you get enough sleep? If so, please share how you do it!

*I am not a doctor or anything close to a doctor. I really don’t like hearing about hormones secreting or being secreted. I also just realized I detest the word secrete. Hence, always consult your own physician before embarking on any fitness or eating plan.

Mermaids & Friends: Avery Flynn

Guess who’s back in the Lagoon today? That’s right, it’s our very own Avery Flynn. Yay! *Throws Glitter!* (Man, I’ve missed throwing glitter at Avery!) Anyhoo, Avery has a new book out and she stopped by to share an excerpt and get everyone entered in a $500 – that’s what I said, $500 – giveaway.

I won’t take up any more time. Welcome back, Avery Flynn….

Hola Waterworld Mermaids! The lagoon is looking awesome, I don’t mind if I do dip a toe back in. 😉

Thanks so much for letting me swim with you and share an excerpt from my latest, This Year’s Black. It’s the second in my Killer Style series, but don’t worry it can be read as a stand alone. It’s about a private investigator who only wears black, Allegra “Ryder” Falcon, and her client, Devin Harris – an ex-MMA fighter turned fashion guru who just happened to have an amazing one night stand with Ryder before she blew him off. Now they have to work together to find an embezzler.

Here’s the excerpt! This Year's Black

If she hadnt run a background check on Devin, Ryder would have sworn hed grown up, like her, in the working class neighborhoods of Waterberg, far from the ritzy urban enclaves of Harbor City. Talk about being dead wrong. Even if she had a hundred dollars for every pasta noodle shed eaten in her life, she wouldnt put a dent in his trust fund.

Devin cleared his throat, never pausing his pounding on the keyboard or bothering to look her way. Youre staring.

Yeah, so damn hard her eyeballs were about to fall out. Blinking rapidly, she straightened in the bucket seat and picked an invisible piece of lint from her black chiffon tank top while running through a mental list of shitty ex-boyfriends to remind herself of why she needed to stop ogling her client. No matter how hot he was.

I was wondering how a white-bread, private-school-attending, eating-Sunday-brunch-at-the-club dude like you ended up with a healthy start to a tattoo bodysuit. There. That should put him on the defensive.

His fingers paused on the keyboard. Ten years as a carny. The clickity clack revved back up to full speed.

Score one for the rich kid. Tilt-a-Whirl?

The clacking ceased. He leaned back in his seat and arched his neck from side to side in a move natural to every jock shed ever dated. Next, he rolled his shoulders under the perfectly-tailored shirt and leveled a heated gaze at her. Appraising and full of dark promise, the look made her clothes too tight to contain her suddenly aching boobs, and her lungs too small to hold the proper amount of oxygen.

Kissing booth. He turned his attention back to his laptop.

Years ago, Ryders mother had warned her never to poke a bear with a stick. While shed always remembered her mothers advice, she hadnt taken it then and she wasnt going to now.

Big, grumpy bears didnt scare her. She liked hearing them growl.

Ryder tsk-tsked. Funny, I figured you for a big draw at the dunk tank.

His fingers froze.

A shiver of anticipation danced down her spine. Picking a fight with a client might not be the smartest move, but it was so much better than sprinting across the aisle and jumping his bones at five thousand feet. The butterflies in her stomach disagreed, but what did they know about anything?

Oh yes, there is trouble ahead for Ryder and Devin! 🙂 Now I’m going to swim on over to that cute mer-bartender but before you join me be sure to enter the This Year’s Black $500 Escape giveaway! (See below.)

This Year’s Black by Avery Flynn

“Incredible writing with witty humor and scorching sex scenes. This Year’s Black belongs at the top of everyone’s TBR list.”– New York Times bestselling author, Gina L. Maxwell

A fighter since birth, Allegra “Ryder” Falcon would rather trade in her all-black wardrobe for head-to-toe hot pink than let anyone ever see the cracks in her tough exterior. But one night with a stranger changes everything.

Devin Harris may have given up his MMA fighting dreams for high fashion, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t always in control. So when someone embezzles millions under his watch, he isn’t going to let the private investigator working the case go it alone–even if she is the woman who blew him away in bed and then blew him off.

Just when it seems like it couldn’t get any hotter between Ryder and Devin, the case takes them to a tropical paradise where the danger increases. From the catwalk to the pineapple fields, they have to work together to track down the missing millions before the thief finds–and kills–them.

About Avery:

Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip. Find her here: WebsiteTwitterPinterestFacebook page, Facebook profileGoodreadsBookLikes

Rafflecopter Giveaway


Effort = Results

Happy Month 5 of The Sparkle Plan, my made-up diet and wellness plan. What’s the Sparkle Plan? Check out the inaugural post here. (Short version: I set off to lose weight and feel better about myself by setting small monthly goals to help me achieve larger goals.)

As reported last month, I had a very hellacious couple of weeks of traveling and being so busy that I didn’t know what the heck was going on. And yes, I ended up gaining weight from it. However, after my Month 4 post, my brother offered me some advice. I’m going to share it with you now.

  1. Drink lots of water.
  2. Avoid sodium because it makes you feel icky and retain weight.
  3. Don’t snack unless it’s a banana, almonds or something healthy.
  4. Prioritize your own health over everything else. Work out first thing in the morning even if it is just walking for 30 minutes.
  5. Get as much sleep as possible.
  6. Eat fish or chicken and vegetables. Avoid steak and pasta.

“Keep this in mind – walk as much as possible. It adds up over time. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, park far away from the store. All that stuff matters over the long term. Don’t worry about short-term results. Do the right things and good things will happen.”

He ended with, “Always invest in yourself first. You deserve it.”

Here's a picture of me and my wise brother.

Here’s a picture of me and my wise brother.

This advice came at the exact right moment and I really needed to hear it. Item #4 particularly resonated with me because even though I hate admitting this, I’ve gained about 15 pounds since August. Why?

I got my dog, Harry, last August. Yes, we go on long walks, but these walks don’t get my heart rate up (except when we go into unexpected interval training while chasing after a rogue squirrel.) I haven’t been able to get into an exercise routine because I feel guilty leaving Harry all day at work and then coming home and leaving him again to go to the gym. Even though I know I need to exercise.

So with my brother’s advice in mind, I made some changes. I go to bed earlier, even if it means DVRing my favorite TV show instead of watching live. I go to the gym both weekend days when I have more time. During the week, I run twice – but instead of using the treadmill at the gym, I run around my neighborhood. That cuts my time away from Harry in half. Two other days, I do weight and ab workout DVDs at home. Harry even joins in by standing on my stomach during crunches or dive-bombing me from the couch.

Well guess what? This effort has paid off. I’ve lost 9 pounds this month! Woo-hoo! I’m so proud of myself and I’m already feeling better!

Let’s chat in the comment section. Do you make yourself a priority or (like me) do you feel guilty taking time for yourself?

*I am not a doctor or anything close to a doctor. My brother is also not a doctor. While I happen to think we are both brilliant and I know our mother would agree, take our advice with the knowledge that I majored in English and theater and my brother majored in business. Also, we both hate sick people. Always consult your own physician before embarking on any fitness or eating plan.

This Book is LEGEN-wait for it-DARY!

True Story: Almost a year ago, I went to a large networking happy hour where I didn’t know a single person. Luckily, there was another person in the same position. We started chatting and turned out that we were both writers. Even crazier, we were in the same writing group, the Washington Romance Writers. That person is today’s guest, L.H. Nicole, who just released her first novel, Legendary, the first book in her Upper YA/New Adult Arthurian fantasy saga.

In her debut Waterworld Mermaid appearance, please welcome L.H. Nicole.


Congratulations on your debut novel, Legendary! Care to tell us a little about it?

Aliana Fagan grew up traveling the world with her famous parents. Her life was her friends, family, her photo art and her love of Arthurian legends. Only two years after her parents violent death, Aliana find herself thrown into a story she never dreamed could come true. King Arthur’s world and that of his Knights of the Round Table. And everything she thought she knew, doesn’t even come close to the truth of the Golden King and Camelot.

Aliana realizes she is the “Destined One” the only person who can help Arthur and his knights reclaim their lost relics, save the seven realms and stop Mordrid for good.

Legendary is also dedicated to my love of Arthurian Legends. I just went back and changed the things that always bothered me about the stories. (Guinevere cheating on Arthur with Lancelot for example.) But it’s also about discovering who you are and learning how to deal with everyone’s expectations of you. It’s also about forgiveness, loyalty, bravery and true love. Legendary

Legendary is only book one. How many more books are you planning and do you know the ending of the series already?

I have 4 books planned total. And yes I know the overall ending, but in truth I have 3 different versions of it written. Which one gets used is up to Aliana. It will be her decision on who she chooses to love and the kind of life she wants.

Now that you are published, what advice would you go back and give your pre-published self (and other pre-published authors out there)?

1. Network with like-minded authors. It’s hard, especially since, until I am comfortable with people or a situation, I am very reserved. I thought that “getting into the circles” would be a little easier, so I put it off. I wish I hadn’t, because I know now what amazing talents and new friends I missed out on.

2. SAVE EVERYTHING. I admit I may have gotten rid of one or two piles of notes/ideas that I am kicking myself for now.

Plotter or Pantser?

Both. I am an obsessive planner, mostly because of my other job as a Pastry Chef, but I continually find that characters surprise me/ refuse to be less in the spot light **Ahem Flora and Lacy** All the characters like to screw with my well laid plans from time to time, but I think it’s always turns out for the best. ;P

Who would you rather: King Arthur, Lancelot or Galahad?

All three? LOL. Honestly, I’m not sure who I’d choose. And I don’t envy Aliana’s choice between Galahad and Arthur. All three guys have wonderful attributes and features that I personally am attracted to, but they also have their faults that drive me nuts. It’s hard to choose.

What person in all of the various Arthurian tales and legends would you most like to be for a day and why?

Titania- Technically she’s only a part of my Arthurian legends, but I’d love to be that powerful and wickedly clever. I think I’d have fun as the crazy-bad-girl-scheming Fae Queen.

I love Inside the Actor’s Studio, especially the 10 questions James Lipton asks at the end of the show. Without further ado:

  1. What is your favorite word? Love
  2. What is your least favorite word? Hate
  3. What turns you on? Gorgeous eyes and stunning smiles.
  4. What turns you off? Smoking
  5. What sound or noise do you love? Music-particularly from my fav artists.
  6. What sound or noise do you hate? Squeaking wheels *shudder*
  7. What is your favorite curse word? Son of a Monkey
  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I’m already a pastry chef, so I’d say photographer or artist.
  9. What profession would you not like to do? Garbage collector
  10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Here’s your glass of wine.

Lastly, what are you working on now?

Well I just started book 3 of Legendary Saga. We are about to start edits for book 2 of Legendary. And I have another WIP inspired by the Borgia’s TV show, the Greek hero Orion, and some of my favorite anime’s from when I was a teen. It’s set in modern Rome and is full of mystery, intrigue, Phantasmas (phantoms in Latin), secret societies and sweet & intense teen love.

Thank you so much for joining us today! Congratulations on your debut novel and hurry up writing the next one!!! 

To learn more about L.H. Nicole or to buy her amazing book, please visit her website, or catch up with her on Facebook: L.H. Nicole, Pinterest: L.H. Nicole, Tumbler: L.H. Nicole and Twitter: L.H. Nicole.

*Giveaway alert: Dying to read Legendary? Leave a comment below to be entered to win a free copy. Contest runs through midnight tonight.




On the Road

April is traditionally a brutal month for me, full of conferences, writing retreats, Easter, lots of miles on the car and limited sleep. This year, I slept in four different beds over the course of two weeks. I’ve packed, unpacked and repacked so many times that at this point I am seriously considering installing a California Closet in the trunk of my car. And let’s not forget that I have little-to-no control over the food I get to eat.

So how does all this traveling bode for my weight loss goals and The Sparkle Plan?

Yeah… not so great.

Why is it when we travel different rules suddenly apply? For example, I never eat Combos. I like them, but they’re not something I buy. Yet, every time I’m in an airport, the first thing I do after I pass through security is buy a big pack of cheddar cheese Combos.

I drink coffee with skim milk every day. Yet, when I’m in a hotel, all of a sudden I’m adding full fat cream to my cup of much-needed caffeine.

How often do I include a roll with real butter with my meals? Um, never. Accept when I’m eating at a conference luncheon or dinner. That’s when I become Queen of the Carbs.

Working out? Besides running from my hotel room to event, and meeting room to exposition floor, I’m not getting anywhere near the needed exercise. The Diva Kerr-ina

This is Month 4 (can you believe it!) of my completely made-up weight loss plan called The Sparkle Plan. (Check out last month’s entry here.) Typically I talk about my big and small goals and set new goals for the upcoming month. But this time around, I thought I would do it a little differently.

I am rebounding from my month of travel. I have been reunited with my dog, Harry (yay!!!!!) and I get to stay in one place for an entire week! I have a goal this week of going for a run four times. (My back is still healing but I can run about 1 mile now.) I am not eating after dinner and I’m taking Harry for lots of walks.

Here’s where you help.

We’ve all traveled. We’ve all had those rough months where you think it’s impossible to get everything done. And sometimes, we need to ask for help. So help please!

Tell me in the comments your tips, tricks and suggestions for staying on your diet/exercise routine while busy or how to rebound when you are finally off the road.


*I am not a doctor or anything close to a doctor. In fact, I wouldn’t even be able to play a doctor on TV – sick people, even people pretending to be sick, annoy me. Always consult your own physician before embarking on any fitness or eating plan.


“Why do you go to those writing conferences and retreats?”

This question was posed to me recently by one of my non-writer friends. My initial answer was something super-eloquent along the lines of, “Because!”

Can I argue a point or what!

All joking aside, I thought about why I do like going to writing conferences and retreats. Sure, there are the informational sessions and workshops. You get to pitch to and chat with industry professionals like agents and editors that you would normally not have access to. You get to catch up with your writing friends and critique partners. There’s often really amazing swag and tons of free books. You get to wear really cute sparkly shoes. (Okay, maybe that’s just for me.)

The Waterworld Mermaids at the 2012 WRW Retreat

The Waterworld Mermaids at the 2012 WRW Retreat

Any one of those reasons is enough for me to register. Yet, there’s still something else that makes me use vacation time at work, buy that plane ticket, pawn my dog off on one of my friends or family members, put my life on hold, etc. And that reason is … inspiration.

Spending a couple days with other writers always puts me in a really amazing mental place. The minute I walk in the door, I feel the creative wheels beginning to turn – even if I’ve been in a major writing draught. I love listening to stories of successful authors who started in the same place that I did. It’s amazing to sit next to an editor or agent and realize they are just a normal person looking for that next great story.

My advice to any newbie writers starting out is to find a writing conference or retreat, get yourself a pair of comfy shoes and go be inspired.

To help you, here are a couple of conferences/retreat that will give you a good place to start:

WRW’s “In the Company of Writers” – I’m partial to this retreat because my local RWA chapter puts it on every spring AND it’s where the Waterworld Mermaids met.

RWA Nationals – The Romance Writers of America® host a large, multi-day conference every summer. This is a whirlwind, but really, really informational. It changes locations every year too.

RT Booklovers Convention – I’ve never been but I’m dying to go! Plus, I’ve never heard anything but good, fun comments about it. This one is for both writers and readers of romance.

Remember, you don’t need to spend any money or go someplace exotic to get that same inspiration. You can always have a homemade/staycation conference that I like to call a write-in. Invite some writer friends to your house for a day, a couple days or even a couple hours. Turn off the internet, buy some chocolate and wine (especially if you’re inviting me) and do your thing.