Name: Kimberly MacCarron
Birthday: July 12
Sign: Cancer
Genre: YA
Publishing status: aspiring, represented by Michelle Grajkowski at 3 Seas Literary
Awards and Accolades:
Golden Heart Finalist® 2010, 2013, 2014 (x2)
Music or Silence (while you write)?
Both, depending on scene and mood
What weird food do you like?
Like everything but raw onions
What is one of your most irrational fears?
Heights of any kind, even a step stool; deep water–so I guess the idea of cliffs is my worst!
How many novels/short stories/screenplays/poems/etc have you published?
How much do you write every day?
Not every day, but I’m trying
How much do you WISH you could write every day?
Eight hours
What are you working on now?
If you could write like one author, who would it be?
Combination of Kristan Higgins and Khaled Hosseini–I know…weird
If you could be one superhero, or have one superpower, who/what would it be?
Invisibility–not because I’m self-conscious but because I’m nosy
If you could be on any reality tv show, what would it be?
None–I hate humiliation
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done?
Kissed the Blarney Stone and climbed the steps to the Great Wall of China
What’s the coolest thing you’re about to do?
Get published
Name three things on your List of Things to Do Before You Die.
1) Go to Australia
2)Watch my great-grandchildren grow up 🙂
3) Cliff dive…just joking. Go on an extensive Around-the-World Tour