Sometimes I am amazed by how entertaining and fascinating my family can be. They are a constant source of amusement and even give me ideas for stories that don’t necessarily make sense–but are fun!
One of those inspirations I want to celebrate today. My youngest.
She is unique in many ways which makes her stand out in a crowd. She never had a lack of friends in school because of her sense of humor, openness and diversity. Her creativity shown in her writing but mainly her art projects. She’s a ‘gamer’ from “Womb to Tomb” as a sign on her bedroom door reads. She even lets me watch her play some of her RPG (role playing games) with her. Her commentary is uniquely her and can have me in stitches while she’s playing. A few years ago she taught me (a non-gamer) how to play Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls. She’s a fan of Dr. Who and Mystery Science Theater–she’s more of a tomboy at times then I could imagine. But when she dresses up for Prom/Graduation her true feminine beauty shines through.
What’s even more amazing is the special relationship between her and our oldest daughter. The two of them are each other’s best friends, which no mother could be prouder to have. Not all siblings are that close growing up. They feed off of each others wild energy, quoting movies, gifs, humorous YouTube videos that only they understand.
It was a mixed blessing the day she turned 18 a few months back. I knew I couldn’t stop it from happening and I hope I’ve prepared her for the role she will have to take on now–but I don’t want her to lose the wonderful, quirky personality in order to fit into a mold of societies making. She’s always been her own person with strong morals and ideals that I know will make the world a better place.
I was honored recently to share a special day with her. The day my book, Wanted: One Ghost was released was her graduation day. I had prepared for it, making all the preparations I could for my release in advance because I wanted to share her special day with her. Watching her walk across the stage to receive her diploma, wearing her cap and gown and Arts and Communication Academy ropes…I cheered, I cried and I knew that she had made it and would be all right.
To you, Sweetie Pie-Pookie! I love you!