I was thinking about the upcoming TV season the other day and how many questions are about to be answered. Seems like almost every show ended their season with a huge cliffhanger. Then we are forced to wait alllllll summer to find out what’s going to happen.
You know what? I think I’m over cliffhangers.
Everyone knows I’m one impatient girl. But this goes beyond my lack of patience. While cliffhangers may bring an amazing amount of suspense and conflict to the story, they also leave the viewer with a lack of closure and finality. Continue reading →
I can’t say much about what’s going on in my writing life lately, but I can tell you that I’ve been working harder than ever. Getting up almost two hours earlier so I can have writing time before my day job, squeezing in a little writing at lunch and even jotting notes down while I watch TV at night. Writing on public transportation, writing during vacations, writing on weekends. Writing. Writing. Writing….
I’m exhausted. Although, I’m accomplishing A LOT.
But something happened recently that I can’t share (damn, I’m full of secrets today) that made me pause and ask myself: Why am I really doing this? Continue reading →
It’s our one-year anniversary! The Waterworld Mermaids have dyed the lagoon hot pink, added glitter and cranked up the dance music for our weeklong anniversary celebration. Each day we’ll be hosting a mermaid scavenger hunt. At the bottom of each day’s post you’ll find three questions about the mermaids who blogged that day, the answers to which can be found on this site. Answer the questions and be entered to win that day’s prize. Plus, on Friday we’ll be giving away a $130 Visa gift card. To increase your odds of winning the gift card, answer each day’s scavenger hunt questions. Every entry you make Monday through Thursday will give you an additional entry in the big Friday giveaway of a $130 gift card. So jump in the lagoon and get swimming with your lucky fin!
Have you had fun this week? We have had a blast hanging out in the lagoon meeting all of you and celebrating our awesome Mermaidey-ess! For our last hurrah we are featuring our own little cheer – crafted by the lovely and talented Kerri Mermaid:
M – is for May 2011, when we started this group blog.
E – is for Each one of us. We all have our own personal styles and write different things. Some are published and and some are pre-published. We have sweet, steamy and silly Mermaids. Even with our differences, we’ve come together to celebrate each and every one of us.
R – is for Reads. In October we did free garden reads, showcasing our different styles and talents.
M – is for Mayhem. With a dynamic group of talented, out-spoken Mermaids, we’ve been known to get a little crazy from time-to-time.
A – is for Author Interviews. We love having writers visit our site and we’ve been so lucky to have some of the best around.
I – is for Inspiring. Thirteen strong and very different women have achieved great things.
D – is for our Devoted followers. Whether you’ve visited our lagoon once or every day, we appreciate every single one of you.
S – is for success. Success is measured differently by everyone. Many of us crave to be published. Some want to finish their WIP. Others want to make their families proud. No matter how, where or when, it’s safe to say that one area where we’ve all succeeded is here in the Mermaid Lagoon. We’ve come together to create a special, safe and magical place.
Job well done and Happy Anniversary, Waterworld Mermaids!
Fishy kisses!
Two questions to answer today:
1. What contest did Kerri Mermaid win?
2. What is your favorite romance novel?
Hint: The answer to #1 can be found in Kerri’s profile.
Thanks for joining us in the Waterworld Mermaid lagoon! Answer today’s questions in the comments below to be entered to win our big Friday giveaway of a $130 gift card. Only one entry per day. Be sure to leave your e-mail address in your comment. You can also go back through the previous posts and leave a comment (one per day!) and answers for the drawing. You have until 11:59 p.m. EST May 13 to leave your answers. Contest open to U.S. residents only.
This week featured The Garden Party from Denny S. Bryce and Memory Garden by Kerri Carpenter. Recently, we corned our fellow mermaids in the lagoon and got the story behind their stories.
(Mermaid Note: If you haven’t already, please read Memory Garden (Part One) first.)
Drew watched as all the color drained from Lilah’s face. Damn, he didn’t want to hurt her again. She started to walk away but he grabbed her arm and spun her to him.
“No, you have to listen to me.”
“I don’t have to listen to anything. Let go of me.”
He dropped his hand immediately and watched her storm out a set of side doors. He ran a hand over his face. This wasn’t going how he had hoped at all.
And couldn’t she have looked a little less gorgeous for this?
“Um…” Lilah stuttered, praying for some flower enthusiast to spontaneously walk by. “Well, actually, I think it’s quite lovely. It looks so fresh and happy there, doesn’t it?” she attempted lamely.
Chrissy pinned her with a dubious stare before rolling her blue eyes. “Whatever. I don’t really care what it’s called but I want this flower in my bouquet. Make a note,” she commanded.
Lilah suppressed an urge to make a note about possible hit men in the Washington, D.C. area. Instead, she took a picture of the flower in question with her phone and made a corresponding note. Flowers really weren’t her thing. She knew dandelions, roses and, well, dead, since that’s how all living plants ended up in her apartment.
Chrissy let out an annoyed whine before moving on. The one good thing about Lilah’s current bridezilla, er client, was that her attention changed every second. “Where’s Perry? I mean, ohmigod, we have so much to do.”
“I believe your fiancé said he was meeting his best man out front and would be back in a couple of minutes,” Lilah supplied.
“But that was like ten minutes ago. Doesn’t he realize how busy I am? I mean, I have like a million things to do today.”
None of which involve a real job, school or anything remotely adult, Lilah thought with a silent sigh. She did suppose that swiping daddy’s credit card took some energy. At least at the rate Chrissy used it.
The true beauty of a story is that through the written word we can travel anywhere, be anyone and experience anything.
As Waterworld Mermaids, we don’t normally find ourselves in a garden, unless it’s of the seaweed and coral variety; so, for our first anthology of short stories, we decided to tie each tale together by location and an exotic one to us – a garden.
What will you find in our garden during the next few weeks?
Alethea Kontis brings you a fantasy story of two ethereal beings who live only in dreams, without any of their own, emboldened by love to take the biggest risk of all.
Avery Flynn takes you on a steampunk journey to Victoria City. When the fate of the word is at stake, a freedom fighter and the man hunting her must work together to foil a would-be tyrant.
Carlene Love Flores will envelope you inside a moody thriller. A grief-stricken and sleep-deprived mother struggles against the family who thinks she’s gone mad until a mysterious man comes to her aid.
Dana Rodgers spins a paranormal tale of a lonely girl who discovers her family harbors dark secrets and finds salvation in a knight’s garden.
Denny S. Bryce ratchets up the tension, in the romantic suspense tale of an FBI agent in a post-apocalyptical world hunting an orchid thief who has stolen her heart.
Kerri Carpenter brings you the contemporary world of two long-lost lovers who find themselves together again surrounded by nature’s beauty, wondering if they can find nature’s greatest gift – love.
Robin Covington heats up the garden when lust and the promise of love collide in this steamy tale of when opposites attract.
The Come Inside Our Garden anthology of free reads will last from Oct. 3 to Oct. 26 with something new each day. Please enjoy your time in the Waterworld Mermaid garden and tell your friends about the new worlds you discover.