Welcome back to the pond everyone! I’m honored to have the first blog spot of the New Year!! Beings this is the first post of
2012, I thought for sure it would be a great idea to write about our resolutions. I’ll be honest; my first resolution was to be less judgmental. Then I spent the day at Arlington Cemetery and found it impossible not to be in judgment of those around me who couldn’t put down their cell phones while on the sacred grounds, or couldn’t wait until later that day after they’d left the tomb of the Unknown Soldier to tell all those hilarious, laugh-inducing jokes to their buddies. Oh, and those who apparently had no clue what the “Silence and Respect” signs posted all around President Kennedy’s gravesite meant.
Since I couldn’t stick to that first resolution, I came up with a second one. To be more thoughtful of others. I like this one. I can do this one. And I can tie it into both writing and music.
In order to kick start this New Year’s mission, I’m spending today thinking about you all, and then dedicating a song to you by my favorite band, Depeche Mode. I’ve started with my fellow mermaids and then if you’d like to join in on the thoughtfulness parade, leave me a comment letting me know how you’re feeling today and I’ll come up with your DM song dedication! All songs written by Martin L. Gore.
Princess Alethea: “Little Soul” You recently mentioned letting our inner lights shine through. This song has you written all over it!
Avery: “A Question of Lust” Two words for you: Claire and Jake from your fabulous Up a Dry Creek novel! They would never let what they’ve built up crumble to dust…
Dana: “Here is the House” When I hear this song, I can’t help but think of your short story, Garden of Knight, and Grandma Emily and Great Aunt Margaret’s home where so much happened to Gemma.
Denny: “Stripped” On the surface, with words like metropolis and breathing in fumes when we kiss, I instantly think of your hip, urban writing style. But also, as my critique partner, I appreciate the underlying message of this song which is to strip things down so the truth can be seen better.
Kerri: “Precious” Those writers as special as you deserve to be taken care of. Period. And with a splash of glitter just for good measure.
Kim: “Get Right With Me” Ever since I read your “Things You Love to Hate” post, I have appreciated your spunky sense of humor. This song tells it to us straight with cleverness and subtlety—just like you!
Loni: “I Am You” With this song’s chants about dark obsession and hearts bound by chains, I think of two things that remind me of you…your Wanted: One Ghost story and your love of Sherrilyn Kenyon and all things paranormal!
Masha: “It Doesn’t Matter Two” This is such a powerful and well-written Depeche Mode song. A little harder to explain, but your wonderful intensity and way with words reminds me so much of it.
P.H.: “Little 15” This song not only honors you but your audience. I smile when I think of those who will escape into your writing someday!
Robin: “Dressed In Black” When Martin L. Gore writes that it’s all there to see if we’ll only give in to the fire within, I’m reminded of the time you said you love the push and pull of attraction, whether it’s acceptable or not. Fearless and refreshing, just like you.
Susan: “I Feel Loved” This is one I cannot explain but it comes from my heart. There is just something about you, Susan, that makes us feel at ease–loved, if you will.
So Happy 2012 everyone! Don’t forget to tell me how your day is going so I can hook you up with just the right song! And feel free to share your resolutions if you’d like!