I must confess, this is not a Thanksgiving I will be happy to remember. Multiple instances of sad news from family and friends, the highways are already treacherous with distracted drivers, and the Ferguson grand jury results and resulting suffering are bad enough. A snowstorm forecast which will cancel all family journeys (three of us to Maryland, one to Rochester).
And, since I didn’t expect to be home for the holidays, I didn’t buy anything at all for the weekend! And yet, we console ourselves that there is plenty of food in the refrigerator (thank you again, Peapod!). I have Wednesday off to prepare (thank you, benevolent employer!). I have a loving family (please let Young Son and his sweetheart travel safely tomorrow, in spite of the snow). How will I make use of these five glorious days of leisure (three glorious days, since tomorrow and Thursday are devoted to falling over with cookingcookingcooking and eatingeatingeating)? I’m going to try to jumpstart my writing again. Princess Daisy has recently discovered the joy of dictation in writing her second tome. She even dictates into her Evernote application on the way to and from work! *Cue jealous rage*. Can I imitate her success? I am determined! I will succeed! You heard it here first: Thanksgiving 2014 will be a breakthrough weekend for this writer. We will master the skill of dictating our story! I’m apparently famous for the talent of excessive talking, I believe success is inevitable. DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING GOALS FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND? OR DO YOU MERELY WANT TO EATEATEAT AND TURKEYCOMA?
Happy T day to all my lagoon lovelies!!
Thanks Diana! Same to you!
Thank you, Diana! Happy thanksgiving to you as well!
Hi Susan Mermaid!!! Catch my warm, sunny hug travelling through the inter web right to your home. I love your sense of humor and I know it will get you through the rough patches of this holiday week.
I do have writing goals over the next few days but I’m keeping them loose so as not to feel too badly if I can’t spend as much time as I’d like. As long as I sit down at my laptop and open up my WIP and do any amount of reading, thinking, editing, what have you, then I feel like I’m accomplishing something.
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m so very thankful to have you as a sister, fishy or otherwise. xoxo
Happy Thanksgiving Susan. And I’m going to be one of the ones working throughout the holiday! Well, working and reading, and getting some rest! Have a great weekend!
Sorry I’m so late to the party. I haven’t written since way before Thanksgiving. I’m hoping to get back to it very soon. Good luck with your writing, Susan!