Hello everyone! I am deep in the middle of my first round of professional-get-my-book-ready-for-your-Kindle/Nook edits and it has been a scary, exciting, amazing learning experience. My editor, Ann, at Entangled Publishing is crazy talented and she delivered my book back to me and the number of red marks in track changes made it look like a murder scene. EEK!
After I got over the first panic, I read through her email and got down to the hard work – including one total chapter rewrite. Whew! I’ll turn in my completed edits later today. Yay!
But, in the midst of doing my edits and writing new words in the WIP, I am also trying to get a handle of the business/marketing side of the equation. As a debut author, I’ve been busy pulling together my website and incorporating myself for tax and liability reasons. I’ve also been thinking about my brand, so I re-read ‘We Are Not alone” and “The Tricked Out Toolbox” and made a list of things I need to do.
Then, I read a post at Romance University (I’m a faculty member there) by Allie Pleiter and she unveiled the most gorgeous logo which perfectly encompassed everything about her writing.
I had to have one. ( I refuse to discuss whether I needed it or not – I’m sure I could argue both sides.) I wanted a logo which, at a glance, was the epitome of my writing and my brand.
So, I asked for the name of the designer – Sara Roney – and I made the contact asking for the how this whole thing would work. It was incredibly easy. An email from me describing what I wanted and within 24 ours I had the first 8 iterations. I narrowed down my favorite (with the help of my Mermaids) and within three days I had a logo in several versions. And, it is gorgeous.
Check it out:
Sara was a dream to work with and I’m going to use her for my bookmark design later on in this process. A talented graphic designer and photographer, she offers many services, including website design.
You can find Sara at these locations on the web:
I’m heading back into the edit cave. See you o the other side!