Tag Archives: New Romance Release

Perfect Love and a New Release!


I recently discovered the 2003 motion picture, Cold Mountain. What a beautiful and complete story. It has easily captured my personal slot for favorite all-time movie. I am in love.

But I have discovered a side effect. I almost called it an unfortunate side effect but I’m not ready to label it as such just yet because it’s inspired me to think and consider and observe. The deal is that ever since I saw the movie, I’ve wondered what it would be like to be loved the way Inman loved Ada.

The man walked miles through peril and impossible conditions to make his way back to a woman he barely knew. Four years stood between them and their last brief meeting whereupon they shared one chaste kiss and a handful of spoken words.  I used to oo and ah over a sparkly vampire who watched his sweetheart while she slept. I didn’t think it could get much more romantic than that. Now, Inman’s vulnerability and hopeful perseverance and Ada’s incredible devotion to him are what I wish for all couples in love.

And I ask myself, does my husband love me the way Inman loved Ada?Mermaid Carlene

Can our love ever be as perfect as theirs?

The answer, I realized very quickly, is heck no!

If there is one thing my husband knows, it’s that I’d be very underwhelmed were he perfect, were I perfect, were we perfect.

When I was in the ninth grade and hubby the eleventh, we happened to attend one of our high school’s basketball games the same night. I knew of my husband, but that was about it. My date that night was a senior from a different school. He was sweet, cute, taller, and older, had long bouncy bangs and he loved music and art. To my fifteen year old self, he was perfect.

It didn’t last long.

Hubby would later tell me that he’d seen us that night, me and Mr. Perfect, and knew he wouldn’t have long to wait. I asked him why and he said it was in the way my date let me lead him around the gym. That young man was very sweet, but hubby was right. We were out of balance and things ended quickly.

And then one day during a school earthquake drill, hubby walked up to me where I stood on a grass athletic field, tapped me on the shoulder, waved hello, and then walked away.

Um, yeah, I was perplexed, slightly irritated, slightly flattered and hooked.  It’s been that way for twenty-three years now.

I love the way Inman loves Ada. But I love even more the way Adrian loves Carlene. 😉

Do you ever see or read things in books and movies that make you wish and wonder what that would feel like if it happened to you?

Oh, and if you’d like to check out a story that’s pretty dear to my heart, my newest Sin Pointe book just released on Thanksgiving Day! Find Sin’s Haven (A Sin Pointe Novel, #3) here:


Evernight / Amazon / All Romance eBooks

 Cold Mountain photo credit:photo credit: Handerson Gomes via photopin cc