I welcome you this first of May
A day for work, when work is play
The storms of April passed on through
I’m thrilled that I survived…are you?
Yes, I did just write that poem while I was sitting here. Silly, I know. But it’s something I created that didn’t exist before, however small. And that counts for something.
Poetry was my first love as a young writer (when I say “young”, I mean “eight years old”). Anything could be a poem. There were no rules. Or, rather, there were rules, but only if you wanted them.
April is (was) National Poetry Month — on my blog every day for the entire month of April I posted one of my favorite poems, aong with a story about how I loved it and what it meant to me. Some of the poems were written by women, some by men, some by me. Some were short, some were long. Some had better background stories or illustrations.
More than a few were from Ogden Nash, because he’s my favorite.
There’s just something about poetry that transcends. Poetry runs the spectrum from children’s books to greeting cards to Shakespeare. There is, quite literally, something for everyone.
I don’t think poetry should end when April does. We should always find room for little ditties in our lives.
Tell me: Do you have a favorite poet or a favorite poem?
Bonus challenge: Quick! Write something fun!