Tag Archives: Christmas in San Diego

It’s a San Diego Christmas!

Hello fishy friends~ The good thing about having the flu is that it’s helping me accomplish my New Year’s resolution of sweating more. 🙂 The bad thing? Brain mush. Yep, my word noodle is about as soggy as the soup I’ve been living off the past week. But looking at the pics from my Christmas trip home to San Diego makes me happy. I hope you like them too as they’re a bit quirky, kind of like me I suppose.


Not on my bucket list, but I can now say I’ve seen a size 18 sneaker. I knew my trip was off to a good start when I snapped this one at one of my fave outdoor malls.


 Siberian Reindeer at the San Diego Zoo…Inspiration for next year’s Christmas story!

Big saint nicksMy uncle has the best t-shirts and I’m glad it was 80 degrees on Christmas Day so he could sport this one with his shorts: Tattoos & Toys for Bad Girls & Boys

hotrodUncle No. 2 had a new baby to show off and she sure was pretty. Purrs like you wouldn’t believe. Definitely going into a book.

la jolla coveAside from being at the Charger game that put them into the playoffs, this day at La Jolla Cove was my favorite. We saw seals, dolphins, scuba divers and a whale!

popcorn and cranberries

Three generations of the family sat down and strung popcorn and cranberries for the Christmas tree!

Reminder Pants

My dearest, dearest great aunt hosted us on Christmas Eve and I snapped this in her kitchen. I’ll tell you this much, Barona and Viejas are local casinos…Wonder what her New Year’s Even party plans were??? Love her! (Hope she remembered those pants.)

the kiss

I’ve always known we were a romantic bunch and I love that this statue sits right by our beautiful San Diego pier.

And on that lovely note, I wish you all a wonderful 2014. May you be kissed by someone who makes your heart feel that big and full of sunshine.

I heart you San Diego. Thanks for the warm Christmas!

Fishy kisses from afar (don’t want to give you my cooties),

Carlene MermaidMermaid Carlene