Here in the magical Mermaid lagoon, we’ve been sharing the things that we turn to when we need a little pick-me-up. While there are many things that lift my spirits – bubble baths, coloring, Zumba, cooking – there is one thing that NEVER, EVER, EVER fails to put a smile on my face and happiness in my heart. My own personal happiness savior… HARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite pictures of Harry. He was loving life that night!

Look at this face! How can you be sad?

“Look, Mommy. I ripped up all your mail!”
Even when he’s bad, he’s still so freaking cute!

I mean, seriously, come on. Look at this mug!

“Hi, Mommy! I’m upside down.”
From any angle – he’s just adorable!

I rescued him and then he rescued me. No one will ever love me like my Harry!!!
Now it’s your turn! Let’s go. I want to know in the comments about your pick-me-up. #StayHappy #Inspiration #HarryRocks #TrueLove #WhoRescuedWho
Hero. Um, you know how much I love your Harry. Some reasons: because he has the legs of a Rockette, he has the coolest middle name which starts with a P, he has at least eleven beds (that I’m aware of) but he never flaunts them. These are just a few of the many. But the biggest reason is because he really does love you in the most exceptional, singular way and anyone who has seen any of your many wonderful doggie pics (EVERYONE–CHECK OUT KERRI MERMAID’S INSTAGRAM— @AUTHORKERRI) can see it too. One thing is for sure, WE WANT MORE HARRY! Keep those mugshots coming because he not only picks you up, I can guarantee he puts smiles on the faces of hundreds, maybe even thousands of others. As do you, my dear hero.
Awwww, Harry!!!! He’s such a cutie! His human mommy isn’t bad, either. 🙂
My favorite grand-dog!!!
Harry is such a cutie!