Reporting from Atlanta and the RWA 2013 National Conference – it’s Mermaid Denny! Here we go, people!
Okay, I was supposed to post yesterday, but after a long drive (started our Road Trip Saturday from DC to Greensboro, NC to Savannah, GA to Atlanta), we did dinner and went down! I did, however, take a couple of iconic shots (yes, I am labeling them as such), which you will see bunches of (I’m just betting) online. Those shots – the hotel lobby ceiling (space ship futuristic and wonderful) and the cool elevator promotions – last year’s signage inside the elevator has given way to a whole new bag of book/author promotion that I just LOVE (the marketing girl in me Salutes RWA for this very cool signage).
Even this early in the AM, I give you the unexpected:
I won’t be able to share these photos because CRAZY Instagram doesn’t give you access to your own photos after you’ve uploaded them to the magic Instagram portal. Oh, I found them on my phone! (Obviously since you’re looking at them. I had to go get coffee and now I’m better).
My website crashed (the Denny S. Bryce website, not this one, thank goodness). So far, it’s still visible, but I can’t post from it because the dashboard went bonkers. (Okay it’s 7:30 AM, and I’m trying to get this posted So I’m a little scattered here!)…
My First Day:
I’m up early to get some writing in, but also because I’m participating in the Kiss of Death (KOD) Conference, which kicks off this morning with a tour. It’s a bit hush-hush (or I just didn’t read the fine print, so I’ll share later). So today is all about KOD!
RWA Registration opens today, so later expect photos of the conference bag and all of the goodies. I’ve gone through my schedule for the week like six times to make certain I have it blocked the way I want it. Let’s see how close I stick to it.
Are you here? When do you arrive? What do you want to see?
(Gosh, I already feel breathless…:).
Can’t wait to hear how things went this morning!
Love your shots Denny! Haha, at first when you said “iconic shots” I thought you meant as in liquor 🙂 Have a wonderful time and can’t wait to see more updates!