The “Ouch” Factor

Since I seem to be stymied in a flagrant writer’s block, AND I’ve been pondering the topic of rejection, I figured I’d recycle something I wrote in my blog when I was unemployed.   I found the two conundrums to be somewhat related.  Although with writing, there is always the chance to improve.
I am becoming very familiar with something I have dubbed as the ouch factor.    You saw the perfect job.  It was as if the stalked your resume, wrote the job for you and did everything short of contacting you for the position. You apply, get a call back, go for the interview and receive almost instantaneous positive feedback. Then a week goes by and you get “the call.” You were wonderful, amazing, the best thing since sliced bread, but unfortunately they found someone who had a plethora more experience. In the meantime, they will keep you in mind for anything that comes up in the future, because you really and truly were the cat’s meow. Feeling very satisfied with yourself, you ride the wave of sugary optimism, until IT happens. A week after your glowing let-me-down phone call, you see it: your job is back on the advertisement roller coaster.  And then you realize you got the “it’s not you, it’s us” routine in over the top fashion.

That first moment when you see that ad is the ouch factor. Within a span of ten seconds, you go through a myriad of emotions. First, you can’t believe it. You check the company and the language in the ad.  Yup, exactly the same.  Word for work.  Then confusion sets in.  Maybe there was some sort of mistake, mishap with the publishers, a cruel prank?  When those options don’t pan out, anger swoops in.  How could they pass up on someone like you (remember, they REALLY built you up).  You were amazing, wonderful, fabulous.   And then, comes the inevitable crash. It’s the realization that not only did you not get job, they didn’t think you were the greatest thing since sliced bread, but they were willing to start the process all over again because you were that bad of a candidate. It’s truly amazing, but all those emotions course through your body in one giant ball that can only be classified as a big “ouch!”

The ouch factor is really just the knee jerk reaction to rejection. Nothing more, nothing less. The only good thing with the ouch factor is that, like a bandage being ripped off a hairy arm, it comes in the form of a pointy arrow that shoots and then leaves.  So in the end, maybe it’s better that the rejection came with such a swift force. At least it’s better knowing.

9 thoughts on “The “Ouch” Factor

  1. Been there! Ugh – I feel for ya! This post reminds me of writing, job searching and dating! Ha-ha! 😉

    For the record, I think you are the greatest thing since sliced bread! 😉

    1. Ah Kerri Mermaid.. the feeling is mutual.. but let’s make ourselves a cool type bread.. maybe a French baguette? Love ya!

  2. Masha,
    I’m right there with you. Rejection sucks big time. But, in the end, maybe we’re meant for something else?? Something bigger and better?? 🙂
    Let’s look at the glass as half full. Maybe you didn’t get that job because something better comes along. Maybe you don’t get a contract with a small publisher because that same manuscript will end up with one of the big ones. With a movie deal thrown in for good measure.
    Welcome to my dream world.

    1. I wish I could dream like that. But day in and day out, I change my mind. Not knowing is nerve-wracking, but it still gives you hope.

  3. “So in the end, maybe it’s better that the rejection came with such a swift force. At least it’s better knowing.”

    Exactly dear Masha Mermaid! Who in the world wants that to linger, excellent point.

    The coolest bread in my opinion is cake. And you are a rich, moist slice of it 🙂

  4. I too know the feeling. I’ve been dealing with the job rejections and writing rejections for awhile.
    Then there is the possibility of hope–someone really thinks you/your book has potential and you cling to it like that cat in the poster that says “Hang in there, Baby”.

    I would rather have the rope pulled away so I’m not left dangling! Just tell me why you decided to pull the rope–valid or unvalid answer–at least it was an answer and you weren’t toying with me!

    All the best and Hugs!! 🙂

    1. I’m sorry Loni. Job rejections suck eggs. In part, because if you’re unemployed, you’re so desperate for work. Writing rejection sucks because it’s an even more personal rejection. But with each one, you have to take a chance, right?

  5. I sort of can’t decide what is worse.. knowing or not knowing. One day, I think one way, another day I think the other way. Sigh. But I guess in the end, it’s out of our hands.. 🙂

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