The season starts the first Thursday of December with our family Holiday Kick-off of Swiss Colony meats/cheeses and goodies along with a Muppet’s Christmas Carol. From then on–I fly by the seat of my pants and hold on tight–sweating until I know I have all my shopping done, the accounts balanced and everything baked and delivered. Then I take a breath and enjoy.
For most of us the holiday season is filled with parties and planning, shopping and baking like we’re Pros, while still trying to juggle our normal routines of working, writing and family obligations.
So how do we cope at this wonderfully hectic time? I try to take a few minutes each day (when I find myself alone) to sit with a cup of tea and just stare into space at the lit Christmas tree. But that only suffices for a few minutes.
Each year I try to plan days for certain things to be done–a baking day, shopping day or days, and one to wrap the gifts. It’s helpful and I’m heck at making lists (thank God for whomever invented the yellow legal note pads). My husband knows I have a system and method to my madness and tries to stay out of my way. 🙂
So what do you do to help you along? I could always use some great ideas!
Hi Loni!
Kind of like with writing, I think it’s important to realize holiday plans aren’t set in stone. For example, last week we planned to attend the Scottish Walk Christmas Parade, the Boat Parade of Lights and a Live Christmas Tree performance. By the time the Live Tree night came around, we knew we needed a night in. I guess my tip is don’t feel too bad to let some things slip by.
Good one Carlene!
We can’t always go to all the parties, every event we would like to. If we did, there wouldn’t be any joy in the season and we’d be stressed out. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas!
I make list after list after list. But I’m learning, just like Carlene said, that sometimes you just have to be flexible. This year I didn’t put a tree up in my apartment for the first time in forever. But you know what? I feel much less stressed. 😉
I don’t know what I’d do without a Christmas tree. (My family would disown me as it is a big thing for us.) But cutting back is definitely a good exercise.
I usually have two trees up one in my dining room where I put the packaged cookies/treats in tins under the gingerbread/cookie cutter decorated tree. This year didn’t do it (not enough room for some reason and didn’t want the hassle). Does that count? 🙂
Thanks for stopping in, Kerri! Merry Christmas!
oh dear, Loni, it looks like the holidays have caught up with the mermaids and caught them in the too busy to post spell! As it is, I’m taking a break from decorating the tree to check things out before I head for a well-deserved rest.
I wish I could tell you what helps, I’m terribly behind this year. However, one thing I am sure of: Christmas will be over in 12 days, whether I prepared enough cookies, fudge, wrapped the right presents or sent out the cards. On the 26th, it will all be done – and I will have another 364 days to get it right again!
Maybe that’s how I keep myself calm — don’t worry, be happy!
fishy kisses to all :% …. and to all a good night!
You are right! It is quiet today. But that is okay.
Again, you are right, no matter what we do or don’t do–Christmas comes and goes so timing or lack there of doesn’t matter.
Have a good one though. Best wishes and fishy kisses! :% to you.
Oh man, the holidays have definitely caught up with me. I just have to keep reminding myself to enjoy the ride because the train is leaving the station whether I’m ready or not. 🙂
Since I don’t have small children and am not married (but looking:) – I go on vacation. I had no tree, no decorations, either in my apartment and yes Kerri – it is less stressful!
I am so incredibly jealous. Also, I hate you. Just so you know.