Welcome Home–to Spiridus House


 Hello! Loni Lynne here today. I have been working lately, not only on novels but on novel ideas (pardon the pun). I will let my post explain it all but this is something I’ve been working on with all my heart for writers/authors and the great people in the industry that I’ve gotten to know as ‘family’ over the years of writing professionally. I’ve learned so much (and there is so much more to learn) that I wanted to share it and pass along the chance for everyone to share their wisdom, wit and support to each other in this crazy wild ride we share. So I bring to you my article, explaining a bit about me and about Spiridus House:

SHlogo3-mergedandcroppedI have  been writing longer than I can remember, dreaming about the ability to write and someday be published by the big publishing houses. Thirty some odd years later and I’m published but the industry isn’t what it used to be. Six years ago I started writing professionally. Three years ago I was finally offered a contract with an Indie Publisher. An exciting day for me, for sure!

But then came the ‘work’ and I don’t mean writing the next novel. I found out I had to be my own marketer, get my name and my books out there to the readers. I listened to my friends and mentors in my writing groups, read blogs and books on how to market, what you needed to have, etc.  But as things changed, so did my ability to stay up to date, find the links and programs I needed and spend countless hours on the Internet hunting for just the right people and links to get me where I needed to go.

I just don’t have the time. Not if I want to write, too. Which is my main goal.

So after months of having this idea niggling (is that a word…I like it, so it’s MY word) at the back of my brain, I decided to do something about it. I have met so many writers and authors in the same boat as I am, but I’ve also met wonderful people who serve the writing industry.  Why not combine the two into one site in which both people can socialize and network?

Spiridus House is a network based site in which there is no one person. It is a home for each of us, sharing ideas, about our skills and what we have to offer each other.

Spiridus House is looking for you to become a family member if you:

  • are a fiction writer or author (any genre as long as it is fiction or related to fiction writing)
  • design websites and graphics
  • format ebooks and print novels
  • run a book blog
  • plan online parties
  • review books
  • promote
  • design covers for books
  • anything and everything having to do with the world of fiction writing and publishing (focus is on those who self-publish and are Indie Published but all are welcome to share)


Spiridus House is looking for all offers and price ranges in the service industry. Pages for links are set up to guide you to someone who can help you and your budget. We are looking for pro-bono workers just starting out, all the way up to professional grade businesses who’ve been in the industry for many years. This way, depending on your budget as a writer/author you connect with someone who can help you and in return, receive your business to grow.

We are also looking for those of you who could share  your experience and information in insightful blog articles and formats. Please see the contact page for further information.

I hope you find this house a friendly, helpful place in a business where working alone is essential, but where feeling alone is never an option. I look forward to growing our house by sharing ideas on how we can make Spiridus House a strong foundation in the ever changing world of writing and publishing.Loni Lynne1



Loni Lynne


Please check out Spiridus House at http://www.spiridushouse.com


6 thoughts on “Welcome Home–to Spiridus House

  1. Loni,
    What a great idea (and very novel–lol)! Spiridus House sounds like a rocking kind of place, with lots of fun residents who seem to know a lot about publishing and writing. Writers are often solitary creatures, but with social media, that’s changed a lot. It used to be when you wrote, you did it alone. And for the most part, we still do. However, today there are plenty of writers who get together and write alone but together–whether that’s at a cafe, a coffee house, a retreat or even online sprinting. It helps a lot to know we aren’t all in this alone. So, I can see how Spiridus House would solve much of that. It takes a village, doesn’t it?
    And, niggling is MY word. haha.
    Good luck with your writing and marketing.

    1. Thanks Kimberly. I was thinking about the sprints article yesterday… I wondered if some one might be interested in setting up a Sprint Schedule over at Spiridus House? 😉

      I’m doing more today, too.


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