Money Matters: Experience, Digital First and Indie Writers

Coin Dropping Into Piggy BankA few weeks ago, the Waterworld Mermaids ran a poll asking authors how much money they made from writing romance novels. What we found is that 42 percent of the respondents had made $1,000 or less in the past 12 months.

However, the response in our comments section was so great that we wanted to ask a few follow up questions suggested by the Waterworld Mermaids’ amazing readers. Here they are.

If the polls – or vote buttons – don’t show up for you on this page (some internet browsers don’t like mermaid polls), click on the link under the poll to take it. Please only take the polls that apply to your romance writing income bracket.

And don’t forget to share these polls with your romance writing friends and tell us your thoughts about the results in the comments below.


About Avery Flynn

Writer. Smart Ass. Lover of Chocolate. Bringing steamy romance with a twist of mystery to the masses, one hot book at a time.

19 thoughts on “Money Matters: Experience, Digital First and Indie Writers

  1. Thanks for the follow-up poll, which I answered! It loaded better on Firefox than on Safari, and I loved the immediate results. Good work!

  2. That’s me Susan Mermaid masquerading as susilib, btw. WordPress decided I should be mysterious and blank-faced tonight, and I’m not going to fuss with the program. Believe me, WordPress has it SO wrong! But the poll is excellent.

  3. Fabulous poll. Thanks for asking the “awkward”questions – for many of us writing isn’ t only a passion, it’s a business and we need to be numbers savvy to make out work.

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