Tag Archives: online community

Thank You Al Gore

Okay  . . . I know that Al Gore didn’t invent the internet but I don’t know who did and I’ve got to thank someone!  The worldwide web has been key to my life as a writer and I don’t know what I would do without it.

Now, if you read the first ever post on this blog, then you the know that the Waterworld Mermaids was the result of a raucous game of “Romance Jeopardy” and the meeting of 13 virgins at the Washington Romance Writers retreat.  we came together – all new – but also recognizing names from the WRW Yahoo loop.  The first step in a new friendship – aided by the internet.

Writing is a solitary pursuit. “Butt in chair hands on keyboard” does not lend well to group activity. And if you want to be a writer, then you have to write. But, we all live apart from each other, some at a great distance and keeping connected is a challenge.

We need a sense of community. A cheering squad. A therapy group. A we-will-kick-your-ass-when-you-get-lazy group.  It keeps us grounded, motivated, and inspired.

If you are seeking virtual writing companionship I can make a few recommendations:

  • Your local RWA chapter – most of the local chapters have internet loops where members exchange information, news, celebrations and setbacks.
  • Online RWA chapters – for those who are not located near a local chapter there are a few online chapters. Check out the RWA website and hook up with one. Some are even genre specific – mystery, fantasy – find your niche. Also, check out the PRO and PAN loops.
  • GIAM – a free, online group of accountability, goals, motivation and friendship. They also have free workshops on relevant topics and techniques. I am member and I cannot say enough about this amazing group of writers started by the equally fantastic, Amy Atwell. Find them Facebook and the Website.
  • Savvy Authors – another great site for writers. This site is free – or you can upgrade to a premium membership. It has classes, a learning center, webinars, writing challenges and a Yahoo loop.
  • Twitter – I’ve hooked up with some great writers on Twitter and joined up with Vicky Dreiling to put on the weekly extravaganza, “Man Candy Monday Night”.  It’s frivolous and funny and full of half-naked, hot men.  Join us at the hashtag #ManCandyMonday and the blog for the choicest eye candy – I like to call it literary inspiration!
  • Facebook- don’t forget this social community as a source of information and connections to other authors.

See you in cyberspace!
