Tag Archives: Evernight Teen

Evernight Teen’s Birthday Blog Hop, UPDATED!

BirthdayBHPromoDearest Fishy Friends:

The Waterworld Mermaids lost several posts from the past two weeks, including our original posting for the fabulous Evernight Teen Birthday Blog Hop. Unfortunately, all record of the wonderful comments left on that original post were also lost. If you commented then, please comment again here. And if you are visiting the hop for the first time, please comment as well! The mermaids are keeping a handwritten record this time, just in case the mysterious ghost of the lagoon strikes again. We want your comments counted toward the awesome prizes being offered and we want you to know all about the awesome book by Melissa Frost being spotlighted here in the pond! Thank you for your patience. Fishy kisses, xoxoxo.


Happy Birthday to EVERNIGHT TEEN! Continue reading