Hello fishy friends! I hope everyone is well and having a great week. Recently,
I attended my first San Diego RWA chapter meeting and it was wonderful. As luck would have it, I got to meet our honorary merman there too. I was very humbled and excited when he said yes to coming to the pond for a chat about the male perspective as it pertains to writing romance heroes. You may recognize Julian from some of your favorite romance covers as that’s his “for fun” job. Whether you’ve seen him as a Rogue, Cowboy, Fallen Angel, Navy Seal, Highlander or Pirate, the word I’d use to describe him best is Gentleman. Please enjoy our chat and be sure to leave a comment. I’ll be drawing one lucky person’s name for a special giveaway at the end. Without further ado, I give you a really great guy, Julian…
Carlene: Hi Julian! Thank you so much for agreeing to dip your toes into the Waterworld Mermaid lagoon. Lots of happy writers and readers out there, for sure. So one thing that jumped out right away from listening to you talk was your love for the ocean. I pulled over to watch the sunset at Cardiff recently and it made me wonder, where is your favorite sunset? What’s the last completely spontaneous thing you did?
Julian: Sunset is my favorite part of the day actually. Nothing beats the sunsets here in California with the sun setting over the ocean. Last spontaneous thing? Hmmm I try to live my whole life spontaneously.
C: Very nice. Now I’m thinking about spontaneity and that one perfect moment in romance novels when the hero feels a physical spark as he comes in contact with Mrs. Right for the first time. Can you tell us if you have ever felt this and if so, how would you describe the feeling? Or do you think this electric sizzle is merely a romance novel myth?
J: It’s definitely not a myth. There is a definite physical spark that ignites. However getting to know someone for their inner beauty turns that spark into a flame.
C: Hold on, do you hear that? I think it’s either hearts melting or one giant collective sigh spilling out and making waves in our little pond. While our readers catch their breath, can you please tell us what is your favorite song and why?
J: Not sure if I have a favorite. I love all music that inspires, up lifts and makes me feel.
C: Cool. My favorite for those reasons is “Take Me to Church” by Hozier. The lyrics are very honest. That makes me wonder, does your language change when you’re around your guy friends as compared to when you’re with ladies? I believe one of the ways we distinguish “voice” between heroes and heroines in romance novels is by showing the hero talking a lot more loosely amongst his buddies and I wondered if this is really the case.
J: Well I’m not much of a swearer or vulgar language user so I couldn’t tell you about others. Just not who I am.
C: I think we can definitely all respect that. Let’s think of other ways we can show a hero’s grit. What is your pain tolerance? When is the last time you did something that really hurt?
J: It’s pretty high actually. Getting slammed by 20 foot waves while surfing or lifting tons of weight in the gym makes you ignore pain.
C: Ouch! I got slammed by a two-footer the other day so major props to you, my friend! Which brings me to my next question. In romance, we’re often looking for great places to send our couples where the hero can both shine yet remain vulnerable. As an ocean lover, would you say nighttime swimming is a good date option? Or is that a really bad idea and why?
J: Nothing in the ocean is a bad idea. I love the ocean at night. It’s a total surreal experience.
C: Speaking as a mermaid, that is perhaps my favorite answer of any interview ever. God bless the ocean and the nighttime. Okay, I know some of our readers floated off to romance novel heaven just now. Alas, we can’t all be at the beach, all the time. What do you miss about your other hometown, New York?
J: I miss the energy of the city. SoCal is very laid back which I love but at times I miss the craziness.
C: Well said. So you’ve helped us out with a hero’s voice, his propensity for doing things on the fly and taking his heroine out for a great first date. Now, speaking on intimacy, how do you know when it’s okay to ask for more and would you do that with words or physical cues?
J: That’s a tough question. I would say you just feel it when it’s the right time.
C: That was a tough question and I thank you for being such a good sport and giving an honest answer. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. When is the last time you missed the chance to say something to someone and what kept you from saying it?
J: I probably missed a lot of opportunities to tell the people in my life how much I appreciate them. Happens every day.
C: So true and you’re not alone, Julian. Let’s lighten things up a little now and talk about one of the favorite senses in romance writing … smell! We often describe our heroes as smelling “spicy”. I’m not sure I know what this means so please help a girl out. What do you smell like, in your own words? On the flip side, what word would you use to describe a nice smelling woman?
J: I probably smell like Aveda. I love their natural products and herbal fragrances. I would say that she smells delicious 🙂
C: Aww. Fishy friends, who else loved that answer? The next time I see an Aveda salon, I’m popping in to pick up a bottle for one quick little sniff. Sorry Julian, back to our chat. Food. Every hero needs to eat, so what do we feed them? Did I hear you correctly when you said sushi is your go-to sweet treat? What’s your favorite?
J: No not sweet but cheat treat. I love Rainbow rolls.
C: Oh! That makes much more sense! Funny. Speaking of funny, when is the last time you laughed really hard and what caused it?
J: It’s been a while. I am due for another good laugh. Tell me a joke it’s been too long.
C: Well, there’s the one about the octopus but you’ve probably heard it already. 😉 Fishy friends, be dolls and make this man laugh, will ya? While you’re thinking up some good ones, I’ll ask a serious question. Julian, as a pediatric occupational therapist by trade, I believe you get to help kids with basic life skills like eating, writing, dressing and playing. What is something you’ve learned from a child?
J: Well children come with no biases and are very open minded. We all need to be like children in that regards.
C: Couldn’t agree more. Sometimes as adults we also make things more complicated than need be. I was once told a man would never describe the color of something using shades. So instead of saying “peach”, you’d just go with the basic orange. What say you? Is it realistic to have a hero noting the pretty turquoise blouse a woman is wearing or is it a simple blue to you?
J: I like to describe colors in regards to things in nature. Ocean blue, banana yellow, midnight black.
C: Oh, very cool. Those small details are hugely significant to our writing friends out there. Thank you for that little nugget, Julian. Now onto one of the bigger romance novel topics, the relationship between the hero and heroine. I know you like to read, but not sure how much romance you’ve digested. In our novels, the hero is often shown demonstrating restraint for his heroine yet we also tend to write that he’s got sexy times on the brain about 99.9% of the time. Can you be frank and set us straight? If we are debunking this myth, can you tell us some of the things that are on your mind when you’re out with someone special?
J: Well sex is always a thought but there is more. There is being intrigued with someone, their life, their thoughts, their passion. To me that is sexy, a woman who is compassionate, passionate about things outside of her life and who is intelligent.
C: You’re right, there is so much more and I can’t thank you enough for sharing that with us. So, it’s almost the end of our chat and I think I can say with certainty that you’ve won some new admirers out there. You must get to meet lots of new people in conjunction with your work. Can you tell when someone is nervous around you? Is it flattering or stressful? What makes you nervous?
J: No one should ever be nervous around me, I’m not one to let my emotions control me.
C: Fishy friends, Julian is absolutely right. He is very nice and down-to-earth and the reason I wanted to bring him here to the pond. 😉 And now for a “Fall Fun” quick-fire round. Ready Julian? Go!
C: Apple, pumpkin or cherry?
J: Cherry
C: Chargers, Jets or Giants?
J: Chargers
C: Last thing you dressed up as?
J: A pirate, for a shoot.
C: Scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
J: The Cove
C: That is one I could not watch. Too sad and you’re right, scary. And the last question, do you believe in mermaids? 😉
J: I believe mermaids evolved into dolphins at some point or perhaps the other way around.
C: It’s official, romance heroes really do exist. Thanks from the bottom of our fins for taking the time with us today, Julian. You rock, my friend. Swim on by anytime, you’re always welcome.
Fishy friends, to celebrate today’s special visitor, I have some “Julian Themed” goodies to give away, including your choice of an e-book with Julian on the cover. To win the surprise, please leave a comment. (I think a certain honorary merman said he needed a good laugh so jokes are highly encouraged.) I’ll pick a winner on Sunday, October 5th. Good luck and happy reading, writing and swimming!
Fishy kisses,
Carlene Mermaid
A Bit About Julian: I’m a typical SoCal guy who loves to surf, hike and mountain bike. I love the ocean and the beach and all the activities that my city (San Diego) has to offer. I also love to travel and experience different cultures.
I grew up in New York City and lived in San Diego as a child for a little bit. I earned my Master’s degree from NYU in occupational therapy and currently work as a pediatric occupational therapist with developmentally challenged children.
I started modeling when I lived in NY and modeled for Saks Fifth Ave, Men’s Health, Claiborne and many other companies. I always enjoyed each experience and opportunity to travel. I was even featured on the Men of the Hawaiian Islands calendar 2 years in a row. Eventually I started doing romance novel covers and to this date have done over 100 covers. It’s a wonderful experience being a part of such a wonderful industry since I myself am an avid reader. I read mostly biographies and history books along with some fiction.
Julian is also a big supporter of The Humane Society of the United States, Greenpeace and The Marine Mammal Center.
Welcome to the pond, Julian! Have you done any work with Surfriders? My nephew was part of that organization, and my Jeffery pseudonym is in his honor. He loved San Diego and he loved to surf!
Here’s my joke, in honor of October (you’ve probably heard it): Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the road? Because he didn’t have the guts.
Here’s wishing you a fab day in the pond and tons of jokey comments! Thanks for visiting!
Good morning, Susan Mermaid! It’s only 3:27 am so we’re still a bit sleepy over here on the West Coast but I have to say your joke is pretty darn spooktacular. Okay, so apparently the sleepies also make a mermaid a bit campy. Thanks so much for saying hi. Kisses, xoxo
Running to go look at my men of Hawaii calendar now! Great interview.
Come back, Lynne! Come back! 😉 Glad you enjoyed the interview. Julian was a great sport.
I’m still sighing over that spark turning into a flame 🙂 Fab interview!
Hello Doris! Right there with you. Someone is a real romantic. 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by.
Julian is awesome. Gentlemen is a perfect word to describe him!
I’m so glad you came to our meeting and what a meeting it was! So. Much. Fun. What a fun interview and I loved all of Julian’s answers. He’s a total down to earth guy. Loved meeting him. And you!
Hi Tameri! Thanks so much. I’m still so grateful to you for steering me in the right direction when I first arrived. Who knows where I’d have ended up otherwise. 😉
Hello Julian! Thanks for taking a swim with us today. I know our little lagoon is probably tame compared to your Pacific Ocean, but it is warm and friendly. 🙂
It’s great to hear from a man’s perspective on issues we write about. Romance writers try to capture a bit of realism but we do like the fantasy aspect, too. (Trust me, being married to one man for 25 years–I love him, I do–but REALITY–Wooh, what a concept!) LOL But then there is two sides to THAT coin. 😉
I would leave a joke or two but not sure the rating on them. My 19 yo daughter told me one the other day about a pirate walking into a bar…you may have already heard that one.
Have a great day and hope to see you around at conventions in the near future.
Hugs and raising my cup of Green Tea to you and my Mermaid Sis Carlene, today. (Yep, no more French Vanilla Cafe…*sigh* it’s green tea now.)
Oh…P.S. Carlene: He is one BEAUTIFUL man! Shhhh…that’s just between you and me, okay…our secret. LOL
Loni Mermaid, you make me smile. BIG. And yes, cheers with your new cuppa. Go green tea. Well I’m certainly glad you appreciated the chat. Between you and me, inside and out. 😉
Thank you so much. My pleasure to be here.
It was wonderful to have you join us. All the best to you…keep it real and safe out there.
He certainly is a gentleman. Great interview, Carlene. 😀
Hi Kiru! So good to see you here at the pond. Absolutely, if Julian hadn’t been such a great guy, I probably wouldn’t have been able to ask him some of these questions but he was such a good sport. Catch my fishy kiss. 🙂
Hhhmm.. a model who works with developmentally challenged children, reads history books and prefers cherries. Smells like a “model” for a hero in a romance novel to me.. 🙂
Hi Masha Mermaid! Couldn’t agree more. Hugs,fishy sister, xoxo
Thank you Julian, what a wonderful interview. Our pond is certainly shinier today with you in it!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I feel this sudden compulsion to visit the ocean today…
Let’s go, Alethea Mermaid! You on your coast, me on mine.
What an awesome interview, Carlene! It was so nice to meet Julian at RWASD, and this interview just shows what a great guy his really is! 😀
Greetings, Cassi! Wonderful seeing you here at the pond and looking forward to seeing you at another meeting! Fishy kisses
Hi Cassie,
Great interview. I struggle each week to come up with a facet of the male POV for my blog, so this is a trove of ideas. I’m going to connect you with a YA mermaid writer.
Thanks for visiting, Bob. Glad to have been a help. 🙂
Great interview, Carlene-Hero! Welcome to the pond, Julian! Thank you for sharing so much with us!!! 😉
Glad you liked it, Kerri Mermaid! xoxoxo
I agree with Masha!
That is awesome. I’ll go ahead and third it with you both. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thank you everyone for the kind words and support. It means a lot to me.
Anytime, Julian!
It’s a great interview! And I’m so happy you met a gentleman like him. You two look good together, btw. 😀
Awww, Iyana, you’re so sweet! So so good to see you here at the pond. Have a wonderful Friday! xoxo
Julian was definitely a gentleman, even as Kim was peeling layers off him. Thank you Carlene for digging deeper. Thank you Julian for taking the time to reveal more of yourself. Sunset is my favorite time of day too.
Greetings Rachael! Thanks for swimming on over to the pond. It was my pleasure, lady! xoxo
Great Interview. Thanks for sharing with us. Since you work with kids Julian, here is a joke that maybe you can tell them.
Why did the clown go to the doctor?
(Because he was feeling a little funny!)
Hope everyone has a great week, and I agree the sunsets in So CA are some of the best!
Hi Kimberly! (Waving happy fins) That’s a great joke! Hands down, Julian’s got great admirers. You all rock xoxo
A Whale of an interview. A fluke-slapping time.
You two blow-hole me away.
DoctorSatori … you flip my fins!!! GIANT Fishy Kisses, XOXOXO
Thanks for the great interview. That was such a fun RWASD meeting and Julian was such a wonderful guest!
Welcome to the pond, Georgie! I was a little nervous about attending for my first time but it became quickly apparent there was no reason to be. You guys were so nice and it was FUN! Thank you so much for swimming by and see you at another meeting real soon!
Hola Fishy Friends! So it’s Sunday night out here in San Diego and I’ve just tossed all your names into the lucky cup and pulled one out. Looks like the lovely Miss Doris O’Connor will be going home with the prize. Congrats,lady! To everyone who swam by, thank you so very much for the visit. We Mermaids thank you from the bottom of our heart-shaped fins. Enjoy the rest of October wherever you call home and be sure to take in a sunset for us. Fishy kisses. xoxoxo
OOhh, excited squeal! Thank you, just what I need to cheer me up today 😀
Will be sending a ray of sun your way very soon. 😉 Congrats!
Great interview!!! 😀 And thanks for including the Hunter’s Moon cover! Julian looks so awesome! 😀
Hi Lisa! (Loads of bubbles and spray going everywhere from all the splashing and waving!) So happy to have you here. I’m enjoying Hunter’s Moon very much. I’m happy to say I found it through doing the cover research for this post so thanks to you for writing the book and thanks to Julian for making the cover so eye-catching!
Oh that’s super cool!!! 😀 I’m so glad you’re enjoying Hunter’s Moon too!!! 🙂
Sorry I’m so late! What a great interview. I loved that Julian thinks of colors with more dimensions. I hate when someone says guys don’t think of colors except as basic ones. Why??? That doesn’t even make sense.
I love that he believes mermaids and dolphins are basically family. 🙂
What an interesting life he’s led. Very well-rounded. Well, not physically….haha
I loved all those things, too, Kim Mermaid. XOXO. You know what they say about saving the best for last. 😉 So glad you had the chance to check this out and get to know our newest addition to the fishy family. Happy Hump Day!