I’m in New Orleans at RT Convention!

New Orleans has one of the most intriguing and unique neighborhoods in the USA–The French Quarter. It  only encompasses a few blocks, but it attracts millions of tourists every year. This is my 10th trip to New Orleans, and I am excited this trip is all about reading and writing romance! Here’s a brief pic-spam from my first day and a half at RT.

My first RT Convention has  started  with a bang. I hung out with Cherry Adair and met debut authors Stella Barcelona and Tina deSalvo – and visit Tina’s website for more information about  Friends Fight Together.

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Those are raw oysters, but look at the gigantic oyster in the middle – it’s like the Godzilla of oysters!

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 And yes, that is Ms. Avery Flynn herself, taking a bite out of Godzilla and texting about it!

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Monday I was sitting on a bench in the  hotel lobby and ended up meeting a few dynamic historical romance authors (three of whom are alumni Golden Heart Finalists!) From left to right (First Row): Erin Knightley (who I met at RWA Orlando and who took this group selfie!) and Heather Snow and Second Row from left to right: Jade Lee, (moi), and Elizabeth Essex (who has cool luggage tags:). 

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Today I’m spending a few hours with Cherry Adair and Avery Flynn (and likely a few hundred others:) for Ms. Adair’s day-long workshop entitled Pre-Con Intensive Plotting Program. (So excited!)

Are you at RT? Find me @dennysbryce and include the hashtag #RT14!

5 thoughts on “I’m in New Orleans at RT Convention!

  1. Damn! You know I’m crazy-jealous that you are hanging out with Cherry Adair!!!!! Please pass on my fan girl love to her. Have a wonderful time at RT – wish I was there!!!

  2. Love the pics, Denny! Thanks so much for sharing! I know you are having such a good time. Hope the rest of the week goes well!

  3. I’m crazy jealous and it looks like you’re having a blast. Lift a glass for me!

  4. Denny,
    You’ll have to tell me all about it when you get back. I wish I were there with you. I’m sure Cherry’s workshop will be fun, informative and another dose of fun.
    Really wish I could be with you instead of commenting on your blog post. haha. I’ve never been to New Orleans. This should have been the time. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
    Have fun! Learn lots! Make new friends! (but keep the old….)

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