Monday Morning Push…Up.

This morning was a difficult morning…and yet, I feel I have a sense of need to ‘get things done’, despite the hectic morning.

Does this make sense to anyone?

Getting hubby ready for trip, daughter off to her last week in school, laundry finished, bedding washed and still managed my two mile power walk–I’m now ready to focus on the day ahead (as if I wasn’t all ready).

So this Monday morning is my push UP… for the week ahead, my yellow legal pad of items to tick off in between writing this week.

A recent need to revise a manuscript has me anxious to complete the B.I.C.H.O.K (Butt In Chair Hands On Keyboard)program I had started last week. But I also want to take time to enjoy the beautiful day. I want to balance my accounts/pay my bills and still have money in the bank (ROFL–yeah, as if!)  I want to clean out my closet/my purse/ my car and two pantries and still have time to enjoy a movie night with my daughters.

I have goals I need/want to set for not only my work but my family life and health.  I want to approach each morning as a Push…Up.  There is nothing that can push me down.

Looking forward to adopt this ideal… Raising my cup of Vanilla Bean Latte to Monday Morning Push Ups!  May what we write down today for goals be done either by tonight or the end of the week.

So get your Push Up for the week  in!  What items are on your yellow legal pad to do this week?


18 thoughts on “Monday Morning Push…Up.

  1. Morning, Loni-Mermaid!

    Oh, I have sooooo many things on my to-do list this week. First, I have to finish all the things I didn’t get around to last week. Then I have the usual: work, gym, training, writing. I’m going to visit my BFF this weekend so I have to pack for that. And I’d still like to sit down and watch the movie Alien, which I’ve never seen. 😉

    1. I can’t believe you haven’t seen Alien. Wait until you hear the famous, “Get away from her, you bitch!” Ripley is all kinds of awesome.
      Maybe we should have an Alien/Star Wars marathon. Since I’m the only person on Planet Earth who hasn’t seen the Star Wars movies.

      1. I hate that you haven’t seen Star Wars! It wounds my inner child! 😉

    2. Kerri,
      Always put ‘you’ at the top of that list, and then prioritize the little things from important to ehh…it can wait. 😉

      Hey, pick up a copy of Alien and watch it with your BFF. Have they seen it yet? I will say, I didn’t see it when it came out and for some reason didn’t want to. I know it’s a classic but hey…to each their own I guess.

      Hugs and enjoy the week!

    3. Okay, so I never even *tried* to watch Alien until a couple years ago… And then I realized there was a reason I never did. I watched with my fingers over my eyes for a while and then at some point had to get up and leave the room. Oh well. At least now I can say that I tried!

      1. I’m with you, Pintip. I guess it’s one of those movies that I just don’t feel will change my life one way or the other. (I understood the premise enough to link it to a scene that Mel Brooks did in Spaceballs. Okay, I’m weird–I prefer off the wall kind of movies.) I also didn’t see any of the Friday the 13th’s/Halloween’s growing up–I didn’t see Nightmare on Elm Street until my hubby introduced it to me when we were dating. Not something I thought life changing either.

  2. Loni,
    I’m in awe of you. When certain rooms in my house get too bad, I merely close the door and pretend it fell into a black hole until I can get back to it. My to-do list would be frightening if I put in down on paper, so I don’t. I just try to get through each day. LOL.
    Good luck with your revisions and your BICHOK program. I really need to start that program, too. As soon as I get through today. 🙂

    1. Hey Sis,
      My house is small, the rooms I don’t worry about (or try not look in) belong to my teenage/early 20 yo daughters. They are old enough to worry about them!

      My to-do list sometimes looks like a wish list but as long as I get the priorities done then I’m good (it might not be today but sometime this week unless it is mandatory).

      Question? Which Star Wars movies have you not seen? I am a BIG fan of the originals (Han, Leia, Luke) and wasn’t crazy about the more recent ones. Probably because Harrison Ford wasn’t in it. 😉 One of my dreams is to one day kiss that scar on his chin or touch it.

      1. Loni,
        I’m embarrassed to admit it. I haven’t seen any of the early ones. I went to see it when it first came out with my step-brother and step-dad, but I fell asleep and didn’t recall any of it. I just pretended to have liked it because everyone else seemed to…
        I did, however, see the first of the new ones. It was okay. Everyone kept telling me to go back and watch the originals though.
        Eventually I will. Of course, I know the line, “Luke, I’m your father.” That kind of takes the mystery away. But I’ve always loved the voice of James Earl Jones.

        1. Hey any time you want to get together and watch the originals, let me know. We sometimes have Star Wars nights at our house (the 3 originals). My hubby is a Star Trek fan so we’ve managed to hook each other.
          James Earl Jones…*sigh* his voice is perfect. I used to love the CNN commericals just to hear his voice. He’s one of those distinct actors. I read an article about him in Guideposts a few years back…he stuttered as a child and was quite shy because of it. Who would have thought?

          He’s such a great actor, too.

  3. Loni,
    I waver back and forth between the list-makers and the get -through-the-day-ers. Sometimes a list helps me; sometimes it intimidates me. I think I’m leaning toward the latter this morning, so I’ll leave the list-making to you and focus my energy on getting through the morning, Lol.
    Best of luck with your revisions and crossing items off your list!

    1. Pintip,
      Didn’t get as much crossed off as I would have hoped. Most of my accomplishments were early this morning… and that was before the list making process so…you are right. 😉


    1. Masha,
      I’ve always been a ‘Listee’. I carried a notebook around with me and made lists for my lists. It’s a sickness really. LOL.

      Hey, sometimes I wonder if I could function without them. I wish I could but I’ll always wonder if I forgot something. 🙂

  4. To Do This Week:
    -Take dog to vet in hopes of healing vampire wound on his face. Darn Cullens, snacking on my dog like that
    -Get the oil changed in the truck I plan to drive 2,680 miles to reach San Diego next week where my to do list will read: Eat rolled tacos every day
    -Work kiddo’s school book fair while spying to see if Alethea’s “Enchanted” is on the shelves
    -Dine with the mermaids on a rooftop and cheers my Shirley Temple to any fishy sisters who can’t be there
    -Tear down kiddo’s school book fair then run the jump rope relay station for field day after that and reminisce over childhood games
    -Cupcakes with Robert Pattinson on Friday 😉

    1. Carlene,
      Sounds like one “awesome” list. Except for the puppy…
      hey, make sure someone has a DiSarrona and Sprite for me on that rooftop and slowly lick off the cupcake frosting with Robert… slooooowwwwly. 😉

      1. “Make sure someone has a DiSarrona and Sprite for me on that rooftop and slowly lick off the cupcake frosting with Robert… slooooowwwwly.” Favorite blog response of the year!!! Will toast that concoction and a cupcake for ya!

  5. Diana,
    One day at a time, Sis. Remember the good times and share those memories with others in the family. I’m sorry to hear about your loss though and losing your mom…never an easy thing. It was difficult when I lost my dad 16 years ago. Just cherish and pass on the memories.

    Those intense scenes sound kind of scary too. Here is somethings for your list:
    Pamper Diana, meet with a friend over coffee or drinks, go to a comedy movie (I hear MIB 3 is pretty funny), pamper Diana some more, go for a walk somewhere beautiful and soak in the atmosphere, get lots of sunshine…oh and don’t forget to pamper Diana some more. 🙂

    I wish you all the joy and happiness–and don’t sweat the small stuff. God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle…we only add to his load with unnesscesary stuff.

    Big Hugs! And all the best at Nationals with GH! You’ll do great!

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