Every now and then, the Army has what it calls Mandatory Fun. Usually it’s a day when the soldiers are required to show up to work (no shamming at the house) but usually in a PT uniform and instead of doing their normal training or job, they get to play sports. It’s Mandatory. And it’s Fun. Kind of like our day today here at the pond!
And…Did I mention it’s Giveaway Day??? The prize that will go to one lucky randomly picked commenter is a lovely “Out of this World” Lush gift box! You’ll for sure want a shot at receiving this Space Girl Bath Bomb and Rock Star Soap duo in the mail! Must live in the US and be prepared to share your physical address with me-but I promise not to swim up to your doorstep uninvited 😉
So are you ready to have a little flipper fun? Okay, me too. Here we go. Today we are creating our own personal merpeople- mermaid, merman, it’s up to you but it’s Mandatory! All you have to do is leave a comment with 1) a name for your mer-being of choice and 2) some little tidbit describing him or her! It can be just one word or a slew of them! That’s it. Mandatory. Mermaid. Fun. You have until midnight Sunday, January 15th, to leave your comment and I’ll announce the winner here in the comments on Monday, January 16th.
I’ll get things started…I recently spent some quality time with Triton at the Court of Neptune fountain and what can I say? The conch-wielding magnificent man of the sea inspired me here today. He had been busy blowing into his shell, making the most awful trumpeting sound, but something about the frizzling noise worked to calm my nerves. Traffic had been hellacious getting into DC that day. Seeing he had a thing for music, I asked if he could take only one record back to sea with him, what would it be? Wouldn’t you know dear Triton has a soft spot for Elvis Presley’s Hawaiian Wedding Song? Yes, touching. I thought so too. He spied a worn paperback of Seize the Night tucked protectively in my bag and inquired about it. Shyly, I told him of my secret obsession with vampire hunting Roman bad boys, one in particular as it were. (Mighty Poseidon bless Sherrilyn Kenyon) The mention of this very Roman surname gave good Triton’s handsome face a sour pickle kind of scrunch but he seemed to get over it soon enough. Alas, our noontime popular culture exchange came to an end. But not before he let me know he was heavily upset that his fountain sat dry as a bone and had been for a few days too long. I told him I’d look into it and he insisted I snap a picture for evidence. He wished me well and bid me adieu in the traditional fishy kiss way. As I slowly walked away from the fountain, a heartbreakingly beautiful merman swam into my mind, drowning out all other thoughts. His valiant name, Elvis Mermagnus. His hair, shiny and black. His hands, soft as the inner petal of a rose. His fins? So brilliant I’d bet my last breath the color turquoise hadn’t existed until he’d been birthed.
Carlene, you are too creative.
I told my daughter we were going to play a game and make up a mermaid. She told me her mermaid had red hair, a star in her hair, a purple bikini top, and a green tail. I said, “Hmmm… That sounds like Ariel.” She said, “Because it is!”
Does this count as Mandatory Fun? It certainly made me smile!
Red hair with a red star- check! Purple bikini top–check! , green tail…Ariel–check! Mandatory fun? Check! P.H. Mermaid, please thank your sweet little one, she did a fabulous job!
My Mermaid named is Southern Sweet-tea.
Say hello y’all!
She has big 70’s country singer blonde hair. Her tail has silver studs and fringe and the bottom fins have guitar strings on them that she can flip up and play – which is nice since she sings all her responses.
Her top is two star fish strategically placed and the star fish sing harmony sometimes. She also has five tiny orange and black clownfish that follow her around like groupies.
Sing along y’all!
Hugs and happy Mandatory Fun Friday!!!
Love stories from the crossroad of small town and suspense.
Well hello y’all! Nancy, welcome to the pond! You have the rockin’est Mermaid! You and your lovely Southern Sweet-tea are always welcome here. I am LOVING the clownfish groupies! I’m sure good Triton is very pleased with the both of you. Fishy Kisses and good luck in the drawing!
Whenever I spread my toes out underwater, I imagine they become shimmery copper fins–this can be at a beach or a pool, or even just in the bathtub. Time alone in the tub is mermaid time, and the magic is everywhere. I feel like I am acutely aware of everything in the water, connected to it. All that from a simple bath–it’s no wonder I take too many! My inner mermaid doesn’t really have a name, but I call her Sirena sometimes. When I think about her traveling the ocean, she carries a beautiful jeweled trident and rides a mer-tailed turquoise horse, with fins instead of a mane. She wears beautiful jewelry, but no top, because who needs a top underwater? Ahh, to be a mermaid must be a joyous thing. 🙂
Dear Jill, may I call you by your given mermaid name for the day? Thank you. Sirena, all us mermaids feel that special connection to our mother sea when soaking in a bathtub. You are among friends. And that is why I knew Lush would be a most excellent gift for the day. I wish you luck in the drawing but most of all, I welcome you to the waters where jeweled tridents, shimmery copper fins and turquoise horsies reign supreme! 😉 Thank you so much for swimming by!
My Mermaid goes by the name Mandayna. She is a proud descendent of the glitterati that swim in the cool waters off the coast of Positano, Italy. She’s a bit of a darker mermaid with her shimmery black tail and long dark hair. She longs to be able to walk on solid ground if only to satisfy her love of shoes…..
Welcome Emma and lovely, dark Mandayna! I know many a mermaid swimming in this pond who share that longing, dear sea-sister. I must ask if there is a story behind your beautiful and unique name? Good luck in the drawing and good luck in your quest for shoes…
My mermaid will be named Sasha blond with green sea weed highlights (shimmerie of course) Deep purple and red fins. She was cursed when helping her true luv. She gave up her human legs to save him. To be able to be with him again he must do an unselfish act for her. But first she must get him to realize they r in luv to look past her fins and see her for her!
A warm welcome to you, Angelique and your gorgeous Sasha! We honor your sacrifice for your true love here at the Waterworld Mermaids pond. Know that we stand behind you and wish you the best of luck in your quest as sister mermaids. And on a lighter note, can I get the number to your stylist? Your shimmery green seaweed highlights sound amazing! Good luck also in the drawing and thank you so much for swimming by!
My mermaid is so shy that her name is bashful, she has long flowing blonde hair that she purposely uses to hide her face upper body. The end. There I participated! sort of? LOL
Welcome, welcome, welcome Aunt Kathy! You participated wonderfully, I’m glad you’re not as shy as sweet Bashful. Please pass along my fishy kisses and hugs to her. I’ll let you in on a little secret…I’m shy too 😉 Good luck in the drawing you two!
I love this post, and these replies are tremendous. Great job Mermaid Carlene!
Thank you, Mermaid Denny! Have you a merman or mermaid to add to the pond?
Here goes. Mine is a merman. His head is covered with long black curls. His eyes are the color of topaz with lashes that are perfect for butterlfy kisses. Built like a Roman warrior, he is also smart, caring and has a sense of humor that make all the species under the water laugh out loud. It’s sad all that laughter can cause Tusnamis (spelling?). His name is Promise.
Plunk. Plunk. Plunkety Plunk. Oh, my, gosh, I just fell in love with Promise! He and Elvis Mermagnus will be great friends as they have the whole Roman warrior thing going on together. But do be careful. We don’t want to be having to wake Good Triton from his beauty rest to stop a laughter induced Tsunami! Although from the sounds of it, dear Promise just can’t help himself. He’s a sweetie. I can tell. Thank you so much, Anna, for bringing your merman to the pond for a playdate this evening and good luck in the drawing!
My mermaid doesn’t know her name. She has astigmatism in both of her beautiful forget-me-not blue-eyes and accidentally swam head first into a big rock which gave her amnesia. I think I will simply call her Jane.
Oh my heavens, I will simply have to get this blue-eyed beautiful mermaid some help! If it’s okay with you lovely Terry, let Jane swim a while in our soothing pond and hopefully by Monday, she’ll be all better and ready to come home with you. And if you’re lucky, she’ll come bearing the Lush gift box. Good luck in the drawing and my mermaid sisters and I promise to take good care of her this weekend.
Hi Carlene-My Mermaid has a beautiful light blue skin tone, and light pink, long hair, deep light violet eyes, and a soft lime green tail. Her name is Soothing Mermaid. She is full of all the soft and beautiful pastel colors, that are calm and soothing.
Welcome Aunt Sue and I’m so thankful you brought precious Soothing Mermaid with you to our pond. Even us mermaids suffer from dried out eyes after a long day, mine included. But just the thought of Soothing’s beautiful pastel colors makes me feel like floating up to visit Mother Sky. If only I had wings. I wish you all the best of luck in the drawing and thank you so much for swimming by this evening. Always love.
My mermaid is Shareece. She lives in the deepest, darkest depth of the ocean having evolved to the point that she no longer needs oxygen. Her tail fin is glow in the dark neon yellow, providing all the light she needs to read her favorite romance novels. Her favorite band is the Electric Eel Stompers who provide the fast-paced beat she dances to while whipping around her long green tresses. Her skin is the palest white, nearly translucent in its hue. Every once in a while she catches a ride on the nuclear submarines roving her ocean territory, using her psychic skills to send deliciously naughty dreams to all those aboard.
Well hello there you naughty little siren…s! Welcome Mermaid Avery and Mermaid Shareece. I think I speak for us all when I say “Thank You” for supporting the troops as only a deep ocean dweller can. Now that’s some Mandatory Fun I’m sure no sailor would complain about. Good luck in the drawing and dare I say? Go Packers! I just assumed what with the yellow fin and lovely green tresses…;)
Oh no! Go Giants!
Meet MerMom MamamaMia! She sparkles like a rainbow when surrounded by and caring for her merbabies. She morphs into a translucent gossamer version as her merbabies mature to care for their merbabies; enabling her to view them all from afar without muddying the waters. Eternally vigilant.
Great MerMom MamamaMia, we are graced by your presence. Thank you so much for coming to see us. I’m so relieved you are here. As you can see, we have a few of your merbabies who need some tender loving care. One in particular who can’t seem to remember her name…all she keeps mumbling is Gigi? Hmmm…anywho, blessings Great MerMom! And good luck in the drawing!
My mermaid is named Kerrina and she is GORGEOUS!!! She has long dark hair that stays super puffed up, even under water. She is a man-eater … or so it seems from the outside, especially with her good looks. But really, she is sweet and sensitive and just looking for that perfect merman to complete her life. 😉
Hello Gorgeous gals! Hi Mermaid Kerri! Hi Mermaid Kerrina! So good to see you today. I was just…oh wait. Someone is calling me over to the other side of the pond. Let me just swim over there real quick…Oh my. Okay, so this is a little embarassing, but Elvis Mermagnus is over there drooling! He’d like to know if Kerrina would like to go for a swim and…hold hands! Awwww, please say yes!
Hmmm. Wink, flutter eyelashes, wink, look down, look back up, bat eyelashes again, shy smile. Go for a swim? Well… I do have quite a few dates lined up. I mean, I guess I could. Flutter flutter. What’s that? You sing? Flutter flutter flutter. Yes, you may hold my hand.
This way my lady 😉
Congratulations to our Lush Gift Box winner….Anna Mackey and her merman, Promise!